Monday monday
Quiet weekend, in which I finally got to celebrate the sale of my novel by taking my parents to couscous (couscous being something of a family tradition). Also, much cleaning and housekeeping, but that’s the boring part.
After much thinking, I finally invested in Things as a Task Management software: it’s a little pricey, but it looks good and feels at the right level of sophistication for me (ie, not too rigid in the structure of tasks, or too simple). Many thanks to everyone who recommended it to me!
And current addictions include Adrian Tchaikovski‘s Empire in Black and Gold (in his own words: the Roman Empire with World War II technology–and insects, and generally awesome worldbuilding), and Code Geass, an anime about the rebellion of a downtrodden Japan against their Britannian masters, led by a Magnificent Bastard who’s on the narrow boundary between completely unlikable and fascinating.
My wonder BF (1) is currently making a zucchini pie, in an effort to cut down on the household’s consumption of meat. I’ll be making spring rolls later this week, probably.
(1) the wonder BF is currently being an impressive little houseboy, since he’s (sadly) stuck at home while looking for a job–so far without much success…