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“The Waiting Stars” up for a Nebula Award


…fiction. Media: For information on obtaining press passes, interviews with nominees, or questions about the event itself, please contact SFWA’s Communications Manager, Jaym Gates, at….

Brief midweek update (including free ebook thing)


…s to something more manageable, just have to think on it for a while. Also realised Bristolcon is in 3 weeks, and WFC is about 4-5? *panic mode on* Vietnamese tip of the day: do not attempt to address a teenager as anh (“elder brother”) lest you provoke hilarity. Yup, you’d think I know by now… Reminder of the day: you can get my sampler Scattered Among Strange Worlds among other wonderful books from the Codex Writers’ Group. See here for details…

WIP snippet


…days, the phoenix, the phuong hoang, was a sign of peace and prosperity to come; a sign of a just ruler under whom the land would thrive. But those are the days of the War; of a weak child-Empress, successor to a weak Emperor; the days of burning planets and last-ditch defenses; of moons as red as blood and stars as dark as bile.   (for those who are wondering: I am indeed slowly working on the novel, but right now my brain is a bit frazzled and i…

Misc. self-promotion items


…he Recent AI, The Future is Japanese and Breaking the Bow on the list of recommended materials). I’m also on it for my two Clarkesworld stories “Scattered Along the River of Heaven” and “Immersion”, and for my novella On a Red Station, Drifting (which is mentioned by both Rich Horton and Gardner Dozois). The February issue of Locus also contains Rich Horton’s review of that selfsame novella: I recently saw two very strong novellas that might be ea…

The Octogon of Writers (win an anthology!)


…eeps me high, I experience a moment of empty darkness, and then— The studio is gone. You can find the first reviews here and here [*]This is a sort of warmup test for my Servant of the Underworld competition, which should run sometime this summer….



…wrote the draft of what was to become Servant of the Underworld. I didn’t come to NaNoWriMo a novice: I’d completed two novels beforehand, but Servant of the Underworld was my first attempt at something that I could see professionally published. I came to NaNoWriMo having mainly written short stories for professional publications, and worrying I wouldn’t be able to take my newfound fiction abilities to the next level of writing: the whole scary n…

What Stargate isn’t telling you about science…


…that’s a bare minimum–like your student association building a robot for a competition. A company would have far, far more people designing the thing. On a related subject: the scientist who knows everything about every field. He/she was trained in aeronautics, but is also a dab hand at biology, and chemistry too, when needed (I’m looking at you, Sam Carter). Again, the days of polymaths is past. It’s possible to have vague knowledge of a lot of s…

Progress, part the N


…isn’t installed yet. But the washing machine is working (we had a bit of a fright because it wouldn’t restart–turns out it was a plugged filter). Missing: a dresser for holding the excess dishware and cutlery. Sorting out the duplicate materials in the cellar. All in all, a most profitable weekend 🙂 Oh, and I did manage to finish editing Foreign Ghosts, as well as tentatively plotting two sequels, Unwelcome Spirits and Revered Ancestors. One thing…

Free Xuya story: Crossing the Midday Gate


…read it free online. It’s about intergalactic plagues, vaccines, court intrigues and second chances–and what to do when the entire world changes around you. Also badass older women bacteriologists ftw. Read it free here. Things I researched for this were numerous, but the original seed of this was Waldemar Haffkine and the Mulkowal deaths, stemming from contaminated anti-cholera vaccines [Wikipedia]….

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