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…In case you missed it: my sasquan schedule. Stealing the idea from Kate Elliott, but basically: I’m at these events to meet people (and geek over books and other stuff), so if you see me somewhere, don’t hesitate to say hi! (provided I’m not on my way to somewhere else in a hurry, of course). Also, I have pretty period postcards to hand out if you happen to want freebies–see below!…

Giveaway winners: signed hardcovers of THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS


…atulations! Yeah, I added a third hardcover as there were so many entries! Really delighted at the enthusiasm for this. If you feel like you missed out: the RT Book Reviews giveaway of 5 ARCs is still on-going here. (and even if you don’t, there’s an extra excerpt with the giveaway, featuring geeky alchemist Madeleine and Head of House Hawthorn Asmodeus). Other House of Shattered Wings news: Freda Warrington at Book Riot lists it as one of 5 books…

Quick heads-up: THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS excerpt + giveaway!


…Just a quick heads-up that the RT Books website has a large chunk of The House of Shattered Wings, featuring a third point-of-view character who isn’t in Chapter One: Madeleine, the geeky alchemist of House Silverspires. And it comes with a chance of winning an ARC of the book with the pretty “burning feathers” cover ^-^ Go check it out here!…

A few recent sales


…Robert Silverberg, Sylvia Spruck Wrigley, Stephen Gaskell, Nancy Fulda… *gulp* “The Death of Aiguillon” will be published in Yanni Kuznia’s A Fantasy Medley 3, with work by Jacqueline Carey (!), Kevin Hearne, and Laura Bickle. This is set in the universe of my upcoming novel The House of Shattered Wings, and follows a kitchen girl after the fall of the House of Aiguillon and the refuge she finds in a Paris torn apart by the Great Houses War. I’m p…

Giveaway: two hardcover copies of THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS


…u could subsequently leave a review at amazon/goodreads/etc., but it’s not compulsory) Want one? Just enter below. It’s a simpler giveaway than the previous one hopefully! It’s open anywhere in the world, I’ll sign and ship these ASAP. (it’s also not compulsory to subscribe to the mailing list to enter. It’s just that I wanted to give an advantage to people who already on it) a Rafflecopter giveaway Still undecided? In addition to all the buzz, it…

Books books books


…this to be larger-scale and to deal with the brotherhood of Lash; but I’m really it didn’t–part of why it works is the tight focus, and Egert and Toria both having to make stands. I wish we’d seen more from Toria at the climax; the narrative ends up feeling a little unbalanced. But it’s well worth a read, and it’s quite unlike anything else I’ve ever read. Recommended. –Uprooted, Naomi Novik: Agnieszka lives on the edge of the Wood, a dark and an…

Giveaway winners!


…ped, but I should think no one is fighting you for those. Or maybe the catacomb zombies (just kidding!) And a lot of other really awesome ideas (embassies, crypts, operas, museums, restaurants and pastry shops…) that made me smile 🙂   Anyway, thanks again everyone. I was very very psyched by the interest, and I hope you had fun, at least with the “devastated Paris” question–sorry, not everyone can be a winner as I’ve got only a limited number of A…

Drafts, Nebulas and ARCs of House of Shattered Wings


…ve been up to a number of things (including baking and preparing for the upcoming Nebula Awards, aka “eep, my first over-the-pond flight in 2 years! [1]). BTW, I don’t know how much I can publicy say about that, but there’ll be shiny book-related stuff at the Nebulas, so if brace yourself if you’re attending :p (also me in a Gothic tailcoat, looking snazzy. And jetlagged). Not much book stuff, but I’ve been focusing on shorts: answering proofreade…

Giveaway: Advance Review Copies of House of Shattered Wings


…e their very own walls. Within the House, three very different people must come together: a naive but powerful Fallen, an alchemist with a self-destructive addiction, and a resentful young man wielding spells from the Far East. They may be Silverspires’ salvation. They may be the architects of its last, irreversible fall… Praise for the novel: THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS is a Gothic masterpiece of supernatural intrigues, loves and betrayals in a…