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House of Shattered Wings (and, er, a few other things) up for a Locus Award


…eping Pearls is a finalist for Best Novella “Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight” is a finalist for Best Short Story My deepest thanks to everyone who thought my work worthy. The complete list of finalists is here–it’s got some great stuff/people on it so why don’t you check it out if you haven’t already?…

To Shape the Dark now available


…Just a heads-up that Athena Andreadis’s fabulous anthology of female scientists, To Shape the Dark, is now available from Candlemark and Gleam. Contains my Xuya short story “Crossing the Midday Gate”, about intergalactic plagues, vaccine developments, and the cost of pride and principles… Where to Buy Candlemark and Gleam Amazon US (paper) Amazon US (ebook) Amazon UK Buy Now…

A very belated Mancunicon report


…iled to prepare a speech (was too busy worrying about the cooking demo and completely failed to realise the awards were the same day) and my actually winning said awards. Kind of still flabbergasted at this one Programming was very strong, only regret I didn’t make it to more panels. Also, Kari Sperring and I shouldn’t be on a panel about history together, we kind of encourage each other ^-^ The Saturday cooking demo was great–I was a bit worried…

Announcing: the Librarian


…rns out that it’s a lot less easy to hide the second time around, making for a careful choice of clothes to make sure I didn’t get odd looks (the Gollancz festival in particular was really interesting as it was showing quite a bit by then ^-^) ETA: just so we’re clear, this isn’t an April’s Fool in spite of the timing…

The House of Shattered Wings and Three Cups of Grief by Starlight win BSFA awards


This isn’t the Eastercon report post (will have a longer one when I do get home), and I imagine that by now everyone has seen the news, but just in case 🙂 Delighted (and still a bit shocked, two days after the fact) that both The House of Shattered Wings and “Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight”, have won a BSFA Award. I’m told by Farah Mendlesohn that this is the first time anyone has walked away with the two fiction awards in the same year (previ…

“A Salvaging of Ghosts” now up at BCS


…closed on the gem—she can’t feel its warmth with her gloves, but her daughter’s ghost is just by her side, at the hole in the side of the ship’s hull, blurred and indistinct—when the currents of unreality catch her. Her tether to The Azure Serpent, her only lifeline to the ship, stretches; snaps. And then she’s gone, carried forward into the depths. Read more/audio…

Can haz draft!!!!!!!!


…t. At 112,000 words, the first draft of The House of Binding Thorns is now complete. Now for filling in all the inconsistencies and getting it into shape for beta-readers… Have a snippet: In the House of Hawthorn, all the days blurred and merged into one another, like tears drops sliding down a pane of glass. Madeleine couldn’t tell when she’d last slept, when she’d last eaten– though everything tasted of ashes and grit, as if the debris from the…

Nebula Awards deadline


Just a quick reminder that today, 15th Feb 11:59pm PST, is the deadline for nominating for the Nebula Awards. If you’re still looking for stuff to fill your ballot or just want to jog your memory, my updated awards eligibility/recs post is here. (*cough* The House of Shattered Wings *cough*). Fran Wilde also had an excellent one here. Two PSAs: first, my annual reminder to please please nominate even if you don’t feel you’ve read widely in the ge…

The Death of Aiguillon

Set in the world of my novel, The House of Shattered Wings, about sixty years before the novel starts. Featuring two servants from the House of Aiguillon–one of three Houses to fall during the Great War… And bonus cameo from Asmodeus! In the end, as she had known she would, Huyen crept back to the House of Aiguillon. Dawn was barely breaking over Paris: a sick, vague pink tinge to the maelstrom of spells that filled the entire sky like roiling cl…

London drop by

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…Just a quick note that I’ll be dropping by Forbidden Planet in London (179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8JR) to sign some stuff Saturday 6th February at 15:30. So, a. there will be signed stock from Saturday afternoon onwards, and b. I’ll be hanging out a bit afterwards to check out new releases, so if you have spare Bodard stuff lying around and happen to be in London I’ll be quite happy to sign your books ^-^…