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Eastercon brief report


…rge RR Martin and Joe Abercrombie, and Tricia raised some very pointed and valid questions about the “men’s club” nature of heroism and our excessive preoccupation with violence in epic fantasy. You can watch the whole thing here, and it’s definitely worth a look. They also announced the Hugo nominees while I was at Eastercon (but stuck in a signing): there are lots and lots of friend on that list, and many congrats go to them all (I’m especially…

Through the Obsidian Gates

…vely. The gates themselves were closed. It had not been so when I had last come here; I was no longer welcome. I stood before the gates, ran my hand on the smooth obsidian surface, felt its coldness travel up my arm and seize my heart. “I am Sahague, and I have returned,” I said to the shadows around me. I laid my hand on the panels and pushed. They ought not to have opened. The great gates of obsidian should have answered only to an immortal, but…

Free story: Children of Thorns, Children of Water

…inding Thorns (ebook, audiobook or physical book). It is now available for free online in issue 17 of Uncanny Magazine. Read Online! The Dominion of the Fallen Reading Order (Novels Only) Book 1. The House of Shattered Wings | Book 2. The House of Binding Thorns | Book 3. The House of Sundering Flames | Book 3.5. Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders The Dominion of the Fallen Reading Order (Complete) 0.2. “Of Books, and Earth, and Courtship” | 0.5. “In…

Books books books


…thing similar? Or maybe just a question of intent? I’m not sure, but I’m uncomfortable with a lot of grimdark because it never even comes close to that level of intensity, while recognising that this kind of intensity in a book is something I couldn’t bear for very long (fortunately it’s a very slim book). -Thich Nhat Hanh, The Heart of the Buddha’s Teachings. More a comment than a review, since I’m still working my way through this one. Lots of t…

Hivemind research question


…s that will enable it to generate any kind of wavelength (we’ll worry about miniaturisation later). Basically, I need pointers, because I don’t really know how to start researching this… Thanks in advance!…

On political and value neutral


…s!) thoughts out there… [2] Think for a moment on what “doesn’t engage the brain” implies, and you’ll realise that a necessary prerequite for this is “doesn’t challenge my deeply-held beliefs/doesn’t challenge the majority view I’m used to”. I’m religious, so anything that is actively hostile to spirituality has a much larger wall to leap in my hindbrain; but this is partly offset by the fact that the (French) society I move is largely atheist, an…

Weekend et al.


…is a nice machine for writing on and a crap one for making revisions on). This weekend I have a blog post to write, a story to revise, and various other things to consider that I had no brain-space for during the week, in addition to accompanying the H on a supply hunt to Chinatown (aka, where are my 5kg of rice?). Should be fun 🙂…

Quote of the day


And the Joanna Russ fairy said, “If you think that family and love and grief are not inherently important topics, you might as well put some zombies in your Pride and Prejudice and be done with it.” Yes, yes, and yes. (from owlectomy, via starlady38)…

Shameless plugging


…Fantasy. It’s a fantastic, magical story with Rochita’s wonderful and ethereal use of language. You can get a peek at the illustration for it here. -And now, for something I didn’t crit: Lavie Tidhar’s Osama is available from PS publishing and for the Kindle (US, UK). From the blurb: Osama tells the story of a private detective hired to locate the obscure writer of pulp novels featuring one Osama bin Laden: Vigilante. The detective’s quest takes…