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“By Bargain and By Blood” in Hub


…A mistake. Perhaps I would have been better prepared, had I thought of his coming. Read more. (free download at the Hub website) Many many thanks to Marshall Payne for his help on this one, as well as tlmorganfield, tchernabyelo, and everyone else who took a look at it on Liberty Hall (the crits date back to before I got smart enough to record who had critted my stuff for later thanks). And to Lee for prodding me into submitting it and accepting i…

Character Index for Obsidian and Blood

…zatl (Deer): toddler, Neutemoc’s daughter; also a child in the Floating Gardens (SoU) Mihmatini (Prudent One): Acatl’s and Neutemoc’s younger sister (SoU, HoS) Mictlantecuhtli (Lord Death): god of the underworld, Acatl’s patron (SoU, HoS) Mictecacihuatl (Lady Death): Mictlantecuhtli’s wife (SoU, HoS) Mixcoatl (Cloud Serpent): God of the Hunt, Father of Quetzalcoatl (SoU) N Nettoni: Xahuia’s sorcerer HoS) Neutemoc: Acatl’s older brother, of the Ate…

Aztec glossary

…me time. iyac: (lit. Leading Youth): a warrior who has proved his worth in combat by taking a prisoner, either singly or in combat. House of Youth: the counterpart to the calmecac. Trained warriors not of the nobility. Knights: elite corps of warriors, reserved for those with strong prowess in battle. Includes the Jaguar Knights, the Eagle Knights and the Arrow Knights. macuahitl (sword): a wooden club with embedded obsidian shards; the traditiona…

Musical addictions: lastfm


…l (say, Japanese or Chinese) are not a problem, and they’re generally a welcome change. But I kind of like variety in my music, too; and recently I found that I knew by heart most of the songs in my itunes library, which was a little boring (even more so for the H, who I think was about ready to kill me because I listened to the same stuff over and over). I bought a few more CDs, but I was really looking for was a radio station that would have mus…

Obsidian and Blood news, plus bonus content!


…he books but found the names too troublesome, the glossary is your friend! Download it here. Oh, and, now that AR has officially announced it: there will be an Obsidian and Blood omnibus! Called Obsidian and Blood, it will gather all three books in one handy paperback (or ebook), and will be released in July 2012. More details here (not much for the moment other than ISBNs, but there should be some cover art at some point). Costs £13 or $16, depen…

Mac migration, part 2


…e of about 350 items: all of my submissions history from the last 5 years, complete with comments. It’s been made by Sonar, Simon Haynes’ nifty .NET software. Of course, the .NET framework isn’t exactly a standard part of OSX, leaving me a bit dry. I hesitated for a while on how to handle this one. There’s an existing piece of Software, Manuscript Tracker, which does pretty much the same as Sonar. Except… well, you knew it, didn’t you? The databas…

The Shipmaker shortlisted for a BSFA Award


…o City is on the shortlist for Best Novel. And indeed, everyone else on the list (it’s quite an impressive rollcall). The Award Ceremony will take place at this year’s Eastercon in Birmingham–any members of the BSFA/Eastercon can vote. I’ll see about getting the story up online. As usual–many many thanks to everyone who nominated it, to Andy Cox and Andy Hedgecock for publishing it in the first place, and to the BSFA Awards administrator, Donna Sc…

Worldcon brief report


…Warbreaker, my fave Brandon Sanderson book, and a load of Shlock Mercenary comics). It’ll come as no particular surprise that not only did I not win a Hugo, I also ranked pretty much last on most people’s ballots… [1] Not complaining though. It is truly an honour to be a nominee, especially for a Hugo, aka the award which defined so much of my science fiction reading. And it was a very strong ballot, and I am truly humbled by the number of people…

Free story: Children of Thorns, Children of Water

…g Thorns (ebook, audiobook or physical book). It is now available for free online in issue 17 of Uncanny Magazine. Read Online! The Dominion of the Fallen Reading Order (Novels Only) Book 1. The House of Shattered Wings | Book 2. The House of Binding Thorns | Book 3. The House of Sundering Flames | Book 3.5. Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders The Dominion of the Fallen Reading Order (Complete) 0.2. “Of Books, and Earth, and Courtship” | 0.5. “In Morni…

“The Waiting Stars” up for a Hugo Award


…meron Hurley (A Dribble of Ink 5/20/13) Speculative Fiction 2012: The Best Online Reviews, Essays and Commentary, Justin Landon & Jared Shurin, eds. (Jurassic London) Writing Excuses, Season 8, Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Tayler & Jordan Sanderson Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction, Jeff VanderMeer with Jeremy Zerfoss (Abrams Image) Best Graphic Story (552) ‘‘The Girl Who Loved Doctor W…