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Two stories


…not sure exactly what, but it’s important that she doesn’t lose count. “A Hundred and Seventy Storms” This is the room where The Snow like a Dancer dies, year by year and piece by piece. When they wheel in the cradle where she rests, she always thinks–for a bare, suspended moment–that it will be all right, that it will all end well–and then nausea tightens around her, and the white and stark walls seem to press down on her, unbearably sharp, a fai…

Well, there’s that…


…the longlist for a Ravenheart Award. Voting is open to anyone, and there’s a lot of other cool books and art on that list (Black Wolves!)–if you’re so minded to drop by, it’s here. (I’m really pleased at that, because part of the reason I’m writing epic fantasy is because I found David Gemmell’s books as a teenager: The King Beyond the Gate and Tenaka Khan made a profound impression on me, and I subsequently devoured all the other Gemmell books I…

House of Shattered Wings (and, er, a few other things) up for a Locus Award


…eping Pearls is a finalist for Best Novella “Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight” is a finalist for Best Short Story My deepest thanks to everyone who thought my work worthy. The complete list of finalists is here–it’s got some great stuff/people on it so why don’t you check it out if you haven’t already?…

To Shape the Dark now available


…Just a heads-up that Athena Andreadis’s fabulous anthology of female scientists, To Shape the Dark, is now available from Candlemark and Gleam. Contains my Xuya short story “Crossing the Midday Gate”, about intergalactic plagues, vaccine developments, and the cost of pride and principles… Where to Buy Candlemark and Gleam Amazon US (paper) Amazon US (ebook) Amazon UK Buy Now…

A very belated Mancunicon report


…oor of a hotel, is something quite striking (and makes you glad you’re not under it. I’m given to understand Ian McDonald and a few others were, er, in the wrong place at the wrong time and got the brunt of it in their faces °_°) Manchester doesn’t seem to have good Vietnamese restaurants (makes sense, there isn’t a big community there), but it does have awesome dim sum, yummmmm 1847 makes great vegetarian food To everyone whom I hoped to run into…

Announcing: the Librarian


…ded with my brilliant plan to pack an October month full of events in France and abroad–I didn’t have any major health issues, but fatigue was always a bit of a problem. Also, it turns out that it’s a lot less easy to hide the second time around, making for a careful choice of clothes to make sure I didn’t get odd looks (the Gollancz festival in particular was really interesting as it was showing quite a bit by then ^-^) ETA: just so we’re clear,…

Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight

…w is light, with a pleasant, grassy taste. Do not over-steep it, lest it become bitter. # After the funeral, Quang Tu walked back to his compartment, and sat down alone, staring sightlessly at the slow ballet of bots cleaning the small room–the metal walls pristine already, with every trace of Mother’s presence or of her numerous mourners scrubbed away. He’d shut down the communal network–couldn’t bear to see the potted summaries of Mother’s life,…

The House of Shattered Wings and Three Cups of Grief by Starlight win BSFA awards


This isn’t the Eastercon report post (will have a longer one when I do get home), and I imagine that by now everyone has seen the news, but just in case 🙂 Delighted (and still a bit shocked, two days after the fact) that both The House of Shattered Wings and “Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight”, have won a BSFA Award. I’m told by Farah Mendlesohn that this is the first time anyone has walked away with the two fiction awards in the same year (previ…

“A Salvaging of Ghosts” now up at BCS


Just a heads-up that my Xuya story “A Salvaging of Ghosts” is now up at Beneath Ceaseless Skies for their Science Fantasy month. Thuy’s hands have just closed on the gem—she can’t feel its warmth with her gloves, but her daughter’s ghost is just by her side, at the hole in the side of the ship’s hull, blurred and indistinct—when the currents of unreality catch her. Her tether to The Azure Serpent, her only lifeline to the ship, stretches; snaps….