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Chapter one of The House of Shattered Wings online


Just a quick heads-up that I put chapter one of my upcoming Gollancz/Roc release The House of Shattered Wings online for your reading pleasure 🙂 It is almost pleasant, at first, to be Falling. The harsh, unwavering light of the City recedes, leaving you in shadow, leaving only memories of relief, of a blessed coolness seizing your limbs. Nothing has turned yet into longing, into bitterness, into the cold that will never cease, not even in the hea…

RT review, and PW’s Top Ten


…depicts warring factions in a magical alternate version of 20th-century Paris, where decadence mingles with fear.” Intense. With Decadence and fear. Yeah, sounds about right 🙂…

Books books books


…ory of Ergert Soll, a braggart and bully who goes one step too far and accidentally kills Dinar, the fiancé of student Toria. Egert finds himself cursed by the Wanderer to be a coward–so swamped by fear he’s totally unable to function. Meanwhile, Toria struggles with the loss of her fiancé; and with the appearance in Egert in her life when the latter comes to the city where her father is the Dean of the University. But all is not well: in the back…

Nebulas and darkness notice


…vah Wolfe, Alyssa Wong and me) Just a quick note that I’m still around but completely completely buried in explody real life (aka “not serious, but time consuming” events). I had a lovely time at the Nebulas; and finally got to see Mad Max: Fury Road with Navah Wolfe, Fran Wilde, Alyssa Wong and her boyfriend Don (and it was great, OMG. First off, the last movie I saw was Interstellar, which a. wasn’t *very* good from my point of view, and b. was…

Giveaway winners!


…stats on the answer to this question. They’re below. Very clearly the Catacombs come out *way* ahead 🙂 There were also factions holing up in The Louvre (a sensible choice. The Louvre is in the hands of House Samothrace, which doesn’t feature in the book but is a minor House and therefore a sensible place to be, away from the big political intrigues that shake Paris from time to time), the Eiffel Tower (good choice, there’s a House on the grounds…

Drafts, Nebulas and ARCs of House of Shattered Wings


…A lot of angst 🙂 Also, a brief reminder that today is the last day for getting a signed ARC of The House of Shattered Wings, my Gothic dark fantasy of a devastated Paris, fallen angels and political intrigues (and dead bodies, because this is a Bodard book :p): enter here! [1] I think of it as prep for this summer, where I’ll be flying to Spokane on a *much* longer journey aka 3 connecting flights and 17 hours of zombie-inducing state……

Giveaway: Advance Review Copies of House of Shattered Wings


…: Notre-Dame, any day. Because a. it’s on an island, and b. consecrated ground, which always comes in handy! (you don’t have to be as detailed in your answer or even to justify it. It’s just a way of having a “fun” option to the giveaway. Though I do reserve the right to post some of the best ones 🙂 ) More info about the book (out August 20th from Gollancz in the UK/Commonwealth, and August 18th from Roc in the US): A superb murder mystery, on an…

New recipe: almond, orange blossom and lemon cake


…I’ve posted the recipe for an almond, orange blossom and lemon cake that’s just lovely–we made this weekend, and it’s both tart and sweet, rich with the smell of almonds. You can find it here….

Can haz story


…mpartment proper–and the overlay of a vast courtyard replaced the narrow compartment, she saw people clustered by a buffet instead of a beautiful, empty landscape; and let out a breath she hadn’t even been aware of holding. Set onboard a very particular space station that has a very particular way of dealing with things. I actually started this one as an entirely different beast–basically a thriller about circles of power, and the coming back of…

“The Dust Queen” and “Memorials” up for a Locus Award


…Delighted that “The Dust Queen” (published in Jonathan Strahan’s Reach for Infinity), and “Memorials” (published in Asimov’s Science Fiction) are both Locus Awards finalists, respectively in Best Short Story and Best Novelette. Complete list of finalists here; there’s some very very cool people on there and it’s going to be tough competition 🙂…