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Worldcon, Hugos, etc.


…the love of God please, let’s not do counter-slates). I will, as usual, recommend stuff as the year goes on, and make a blog post closer to the deadline with a recap of what I loved. I encourage you to do the same. PS: Worldcon was lovely! Except 9 hours of time difference, which turns out to be quite difficult to catch up on… PPS: I debated over whether to leave the comments open. I reserve the right to borrow Scalzi’s Mallet of Loving Correctio…



…In case you missed it: my sasquan schedule. Stealing the idea from Kate Elliott, but basically: I’m at these events to meet people (and geek over books and other stuff), so if you see me somewhere, don’t hesitate to say hi! (provided I’m not on my way to somewhere else in a hurry, of course). Also, I have pretty period postcards to hand out if you happen to want freebies–see below!…

Pre-order special offer!


…ing, so I hope it works). (contact form closed as offer has expired) Still undecided? You can sample a bit before making up your mind. Read Chapter One! Read excerpt from Chapter Three! Read excerpt from Chapter Four! Where to Buy Hardback (US) Penguin Random House Amazon US Barnes and Noble US Indie Stores The Book Depository Trade Ppb (UK) Amazon UK Foyle’s Waterstones Blackwell’s WH Smith The Book Depository Ebook/Audio Amazon US (Kindle) Amazo…

Semi-hemi-darkness notice


…cool authors here!). FYI, The House of Shattered Wings finishes printing end of July, so hopefully there’ll be copies around. The August newsletter will be a little late due to the aforementioned holiday, expect it around August 4th (earlier if I get through the to-do list faster than expected–one never knows!) (and yeah, I know there was no July newsletter. Very sorry about that, but real life went a little bonkers on me)….

Giveaway winners: signed hardcovers of THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS


…ssed out: the RT Book Reviews giveaway of 5 ARCs is still on-going here. (and even if you don’t, there’s an extra excerpt with the giveaway, featuring geeky alchemist Madeleine and Head of House Hawthorn Asmodeus). Other House of Shattered Wings news: Freda Warrington at Book Riot lists it as one of 5 books to get into paranormal fantasy (honored to be in the same list as NK Jemisin!): One of the darkest and strangest fantasies I’ve ever read, con…

Quick heads-up: THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS excerpt + giveaway!


…Just a quick heads-up that the RT Books website has a large chunk of The House of Shattered Wings, featuring a third point-of-view character who isn’t in Chapter One: Madeleine, the geeky alchemist of House Silverspires. And it comes with a chance of winning an ARC of the book with the pretty “burning feathers” cover ^-^ Go check it out here!…

A few recent sales


…Robert Silverberg, Sylvia Spruck Wrigley, Stephen Gaskell, Nancy Fulda… *gulp* “The Death of Aiguillon” will be published in Yanni Kuznia’s A Fantasy Medley 3, with work by Jacqueline Carey (!), Kevin Hearne, and Laura Bickle. This is set in the universe of my upcoming novel The House of Shattered Wings, and follows a kitchen girl after the fall of the House of Aiguillon and the refuge she finds in a Paris torn apart by the Great Houses War. I’m p…

Giveaway: two hardcover copies of THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS


…open anywhere in the world, I’ll sign and ship these ASAP. (it’s also not compulsory to subscribe to the mailing list to enter. It’s just that I wanted to give an advantage to people who already on it) a Rafflecopter giveaway Still undecided? In addition to all the buzz, it recently got a Publishers Weekly starred review: “…a fantastical spy thriller that reads like a hybrid of le Carré and Milton, all tinged with the melancholy of golden ages lo…

Things I learnt about using a wok on a glass stovetop


…up fast, because I need to do 5 minutes on low heat, 5 minutes on low-medium heat and 5 minutes on medium heat before the wok is at the right temperature) If you have one of those powerboost things on the stovetop that make the stove heat up faster, for the love of God do NOT use it, it’ll kill the pan in the long run. Watch for temperature (on my stove I go to 7-7.5/9, seldom to the maximum). You’ll notice that the de Buyer FAQ for their steel p…