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…k after week–Les Halles, the belly of the city, the exuberant display of abundance of an empire that had believed itself immortal–against all the evidence of history. But Les Halles had been destroyed in the War; and the fragile magical balance that had followed led to an arrangement where the Great Market rotated between the major Houses. Things researched: geography of Ile de La Cite. Zola’s life, of all things. Plot direction of the day: drasti…

Darkness notice


…Just a heads-up that we’re moving this week, so from Sunday onwards (and quite possibly for 10 days after that), we’ll have no internet access (and no landline), so I very probably won’t be in a position to answer emails (of which I already have a backlog!). Hopefully everything will be back to normal by mid-August….

Recent anime watch: My-Hime and Mawaru Penguindrum


…f people aren’t shown at their best, but since she’s the only lesbian it becomes problematic). Still, I quite like the anime. It’s soapy as heck, and has a big tendency to the melodramatic, but that ending always has me in tears. Meanwhile, all you need to know about Mawaru Penguindrum is that it was written by Ikuhara Kunihiko, aka the man who brought you Revolutionary Girl Utena. So if you don’t like symbolism-heavy anime, or anime where things…

Interview in August Locus


…Locus kindly interviewed me for their August edition. You can find an excerpt from the interview here (and a neat picture that handily disguises the snakelet bit of the equation). Many thanks to Liza Groen Trombi, Francesca Myman and the rest of the Locus team (and wow. If anyone had ever told me I’d share a cover with Kim Stanley Robinson…)….

PSA: still mostly off the grid


…The view from our window So, we have survived the move,–except that we live among a pile of boxes at the moment, and spare time is pretty scarce. There is an internet connection, but we’re busy unpacking and setting up. Hopefully more soon……

A few disjointed thoughts on other cultures and diversity in SFF


…Samatar Picture: One Pillar Pagoda by Francesco Paroni Sterbini, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs [1] Again, I’m using China as an example because there aren’t so many Vietnamese narratives lying around. If any Chinese people are around and would like to correct me, feel free! [2] Vietnamese dragons are Heavenly messengers, and humans aren’t really part of their diet. Meeting one is only dangerous insofar as meeting angels is…

PSA: off the grid, again


…Just a quick note to inform those who don’t know already of the birth of the snakelet last week–which in turn explains my continued radio silence. We’re all well, but overwhelmed–as those things happen 🙂 Blog’s going dark for a while, though I may update with the occasional rant……

WIP snippet


…n. Wow. She’d never thought they’d lose him–that in one bloody, confused night as the neighbouring House of Hawthorn tore itself apart, he would take his sword and his wings, and walk out of the House he had founded; and never come back, leaving almost nothing behind–a scattering of things he’d infused with his power, a handful of ill-prepared students at the helm of a faltering House; and Selene, his heir by virtue of having been the closest to h…

The Red Scholar’s Wake

…nerdy engineer, hot sex in space, second chance romance, space mothers, found family, communications disasters, fluff, night out with pirates, angst, hurt/comfort, soulful stargazing with tea and dumplings Content notes -Grief (loss of spouse, child estrangement from adult parent) -Physical abuse against child character (offscreen, not explicit) -Torture (offscreen, not explicit) -Imprisonment -Murder -Corrupt state and justice system -Indenture…