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To Shape the Dark now available


…Just a heads-up that Athena Andreadis’s fabulous anthology of female scientists, To Shape the Dark, is now available from Candlemark and Gleam. Contains my Xuya short story “Crossing the Midday Gate”, about intergalactic plagues, vaccine developments, and the cost of pride and principles… Where to Buy Candlemark and Gleam Amazon US (paper) Amazon US (ebook) Amazon UK Buy Now…

A very belated Mancunicon report


…s sense, there isn’t a big community there), but it does have awesome dim sum, yummmmm 1847 makes great vegetarian food To everyone whom I hoped to run into/who hoped to see me–I hope I managed to be at enough of the con that I could be grabbed/chatted with/listened to. I was always more tired than I expected, and being able to rest in the room made a big difference to levels of fatigue (yes, I know. Anyone could have told me I would be more tired…

Announcing: the Librarian


…Pratchett). Delivery deadline is end of May, just in time for a wonderful summer of not sleeping… For those wondering: The House of Binding Thorns has shifted a bit due to, erm, the wonders of the first trimester, but hopefully nothing major (sayth she, knocking on major bits of wood). I’m also looking like a beached whale at the moment and seriously considering two months of non stop Netflix streaming (alas, I’ve got a few things to do. But it’s…

Last day for Hugo nominations


Just a quick reminder that today is the last day for Hugo nominations (you have until 11:59pm Pacific time, and you can nominate if you’re a member of Sasquan, MidamericonII or Worldcon in Helsinki). You can find the nomination form here. Please do nominate even if you feel you haven’t read widely enough: if you loved something, just put it on your ballot. This isn’t a quiz on the state of the genre, it’s a vote for things you liked in 2015 (and…

Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight

…is the time it takes the soul to cross through Hell and be reborn in Buddhist thought; a hundred days is “the end of tears” (not as important as the 49 days or the year anniversary, but there’s a ceremony for this). The mourning period for a parent is three years–for a civil servant like Quang Tu, it used to be a three-year sabbatical under the Empire, which is rather devastating for a career, and there’s plenty of tales of officials manoeuvring…

“A Salvaging of Ghosts” now up at BCS


…r Science Fantasy month. Thuy’s hands have just closed on the gem—she can’t feel its warmth with her gloves, but her daughter’s ghost is just by her side, at the hole in the side of the ship’s hull, blurred and indistinct—when the currents of unreality catch her. Her tether to The Azure Serpent, her only lifeline to the ship, stretches; snaps. And then she’s gone, carried forward into the depths. Read more/audio…

Can haz draft!!!!!!!!


…House of Binding Thorns is now complete. Now for filling in all the inconsistencies and getting it into shape for beta-readers… Have a snippet: In the House of Hawthorn, all the days blurred and merged into one another, like tears drops sliding down a pane of glass. Madeleine couldn’t tell when she’d last slept, when she’d last eaten– though everything tasted of ashes and grit, as if the debris from the streets had been mixed in with the fine foo…

BSFA London Meeting

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…ering in the bar downstairs from 5pm onwards (I’ll likely be in the bar around 5pm because I’m arriving pretty early in London). This is a free event, and you don’t have to be a member of the BSFA to take part (non-members are welcome, in fact!). The interview will start at 7 pm. There will be a raffle (£1 for five tickets), with a selection of sf novels as prizes. I’m also quite happy to sign anything that has my name in it (ok, not blank checks…

Nebula Awards deadline


Just a quick reminder that today, 15th Feb 11:59pm PST, is the deadline for nominating for the Nebula Awards. If you’re still looking for stuff to fill your ballot or just want to jog your memory, my updated awards eligibility/recs post is here. (*cough* The House of Shattered Wings *cough*). Fran Wilde also had an excellent one here. Two PSAs: first, my annual reminder to please please nominate even if you don’t feel you’ve read widely in the ge…