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The Octogon of Writers (win an anthology!)


…d the statue from within. The Flying Squids of Zondor by Doug Sharp: SCIENTIST Commandrix, this planetary system is unique in all the galaxy! A week spent exploring it will unveil fundamental truths about the most secret laws of science and… DRON (savagely) Midshipman! Take this… SCIENTIST (fearfully) It concerns the yadayadium, Commandrix. DRON Go on. The yadayadium? SCIENTIST All the yadayadium is concentrated on a single planet. DRON You mean…?…

Fun habits of non-native speakers


…has never worked out for me. Accents: That one often puzzles my BF. I can understand a lot of the more common accents (Scottish, Irish, Australian, etc.), because I sat for my Cambrigde Certificate of Proficiency back when I was 17, and that part of the training for that included listening to a text which would necessarily be in an accent of the Commonwealth. However, somewhere along the line to fluency, I lost the ability to understand the accen…

Cover reveal: UK mass paperback edition of The House of Shattered Wings


…S Indie Stores The Book Depository Trade Ppb (UK) Amazon UK Foyle’s Waterstones Blackwell’s WH Smith The Book Depository Ebook/Audio Amazon US (Kindle) Amazon UK (Kindle) Kobo Blackstone Audio (US audiobook) Orion Books (UK &RoW audiobook) Trade Ppb (US) Amazon US US indie stores The Book Depository Mass Market Ppb (UK) Amazon UK Foyle’s Waterstones Blackwell’s WH Smith The Book Depository Buy Now And if you want a sample: Download First Three Cha…

Short Fiction Sampler


…. The stories here showcase a range of subgenres I write in. Click here to download this sampler. (if for some reason you don’t feel comfortable with the .zip, you can access the individual pdfs by clicking from the table of contents below) If you’re a voting member of Anticipation, and see anything in my bibliography you’d like to check out, why don’t you send me a mail? Information about voting for the Campbell here. The nomination ballot isn’t…

Heads-up: InterGalactic Medicine Show Awards anthology


…e this weekend, and that it includes stories by Peter Beagle, Eugie Foster, James Maxey, Marie Brennan, Eric James Stone, Jason Sanford, and many many more awesome writers (and also my story “Horus Ascending”, about a sundered AI and a dying colony). You can download it here (I can’t see every amazon country, but it looks like it’s free in France, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this promotion was valid in every amazon country)….

“Obsidian and Blood” release day


…y Obsidian and Blood, the massive omnibus containing the series of Acatl’s adventures, plus all the short stories (they’re all in the ebook edition but not in the print one due to space constraints; if you buy the print edition, you’ll get a link to download the ebook supplement). Get your complete trilogy now! More info, including buy links, here. I’ll be guest posting at various places over the Internet, though it’s going to be a very short blog…

Brief midweek update (including free ebook thing)


…ing more manageable, just have to think on it for a while. Also realised Bristolcon is in 3 weeks, and WFC is about 4-5? *panic mode on* Vietnamese tip of the day: do not attempt to address a teenager as anh (“elder brother”) lest you provoke hilarity. Yup, you’d think I know by now… Reminder of the day: you can get my sampler Scattered Among Strange Worlds among other wonderful books from the Codex Writers’ Group. See here for details (also would…



-Issue number 1 of International Science Fiction is now available for download (will you look at that gorgeous cover!). With fiction by Joyce Chng, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz and Marian Truţă -Received my issue of Interzone, which had “The Flower of Shazui”, a Chen Qiufan story translated by Ken Liu. Very gritty story set in the Shenzhen special economic zone–I really liked the interplay between the characters and the ending, which was sad but fitting….

My experience with self-publishing “On a Red Station, Drifting”


…for a watercolour with the two main characters on it. It’s a bit scary to commission an artist; many thanks to Colin Tate, who gave me pointers for navigating the entire thing. Basically I described what format I wanted; and the “feel” of what I was going for by showing the artist a few covers in genre with a predominantly red/orange background (I wanted red for obvious reasons); can’t remember everything I used, but one of them was Ian M. Banks’…

Obsidian and Blood

…at Austin University of Oklahoma And a few recs for fiction written by Native Mexicans: Words of the True People series, University of Texas Press Volume One: Volume Two: Poetry Volume Three: Theatre Light Foot, Natalia Toledo…