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In which I announce my new exciting project…


Hahaha yes, that one. The H and I are pleased to announce our big collaboration for 2013–a little Snake baby! Expected release date: mid-September. We expect said collaboration to be a bestseller, at least with friends and family 🙂 Unfortunately, this means that my public presence activities for 2013 are going to take a severe hit. I’ve pulled out of a bunch of things and rescheduled a bit. Among the casualties are my BSFA interview in May, and W…

Brief checking-in


…troy them, which makes them feel all the more realistic, and is fertile ground for the writers to extend storylines by showing us the cost of crimes (it’s also interesting to see that the investigation’s attempt to keep the family in the loop end up causing more harm than good). My sis wants to watch The Bridge next; I might steal her DVDs… Next week I shall be at Eastercon, where I have a nice program shaping up (and will hand out the James White…

Kirkus review of On a Red Station, Drifting


Over at the Kirkus blog, Ana and Thea from the Book Smugglers kindly review On a Red Station, Drifting. Aka wow.   This is an extremely political story in every sense of the word: on a macro scale of fighting for one’s beliefs in impossible situations and within the microcosm of the domestic, the individual—this dichotomy not really a dichotomy at all, as the micro and macro often intertwine in an inextricable tangle. This is a beautifully realiz…

Eastercon schedule


…ronments. Darren Nash moderates Chris Beckett, Aliette de Bodard, Simon Morden and Gaie Sebold. Sunday, 19:00, Main, “BSFA Awards/Loncon 3 update” Award Administrator Donna Scott and Master of Ceremonies Paul Cornell, assisted by our Guests of Honour, present the BSFA Awards for 2012. They then hand over to the LonCon 3 team for a presentation and update on next year’s UK Worldcon. (I’ll be presenting the James White Award at the beginning of the…

Fun with cha gio (fried rolls) and a Philips Airfryer


…f-day’s work. Here we made short work of the 30+ rolls in under 2 hours; I understand now why making this (and making dumplings) is a communal activity! We also got to try out my in-laws’ Philips Airfryer, which deep-fries food with a minimal amount of oil: in this case, the H kindly brushed all the rolls with frying oil (which was some work :p), and we then studied the problem of how to adapt the recipe to an Airfryer. First attempt was dumping r…

Linky linky


…he world and between different populations sharing the same space. These bounds infuse everything we experience and affect the fates of nations, peoples, families, and individuals. History is not just vast armies clashing on dark plains at night, but lived through by real men and women related to us. It is deeply personal. In the West, I have detected a tendency to dismiss or minimize the effects of history on the present, as if history can be mad…

Snippet from WIP


… because I need to be held accountable for actual word count… “What is it?” Xavier asked. Selene raised a hand to silence him–seeking the origin of the magic. Young, and desperate; she’d almost forgotten how that tasted, how bittersweet it all was, that mixture of bewilderment and pain that came just after the Fall. West–in the ruined blocks that had been the Great Department Stores and the Great Hotels before the war, their names like a litany…

Hugo awards


…by Edward James & Farah Mendlesohn (Cambridge University Press) Chicks Dig Comics: A Celebration of Comic Books by the Women Who Love Them, Edited by Lynne M. Thomas & Sigrid Ellis (Mad Norwegian Press) Chicks Unravel Time: Women Journey Through Every Season of Doctor Who, Edited by Deborah Stanish & L.M. Myles (Mad Norwegian Press) I Have an Idea for a Book … The Bibliography of Martin H. Greenberg, Compiled by Martin H. Greenberg, edited by John…

On political and value neutral


…general trends rather than specifics; I don’t want to do cultural existensialism, but equally cultural specifities shouldn’t be casually swept under the rug under cover of “we’re all the same deep down”….