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2015 in review


for reading short fiction (I read short fiction at home, and novels on the commute, that’s why) -Lost a Nebula and two Locus Awards. I can live with that 🙂 – A couple of my blog posts went viral (aka 0_0). “The Stories I Wanted to Read” is about me as a child (and why Andre Norton’s “Year of the Unicorn” is the best thing ever). And “On Colonialism, Evil Empires and Oppressive Systems”, my rant about how colonialism is depicted in SFF, also got so…

World SF Blog moving


…ant to keep receiving the latest news about World SF (and I’d definitely recommend you to, because it’s chockfull of fascinating overviews of SF in the non-anglophone world), here’s where you should go: LJ syndication (not entirely sure this is working yet) Lavie has also posted something I should have thought of earlier: Elisabeth Vonarburg’s planned GOH speech for Worldcon, which is a very interesting overview of he…

Around the web


You can now read a good chunk of chapter three over at bread-making, ruined Notre-Dame, and Lucifer Morningstar himself! Mahvesh Murad interviews me for Midnight in Karachi. I speak manga and anime inspiration to Fran Wilde at Geek Mom. For the Gollancz festival, Anna Caltabiano, Al Robertson, Alex Lamb, Simon Spanton and I get in a “time travel vs fallen angels vs spaceships vs ventriloquist dummies” panel. A survey of upcoming Science…

House of Shattered Wings reviews, lists, etc.


…ather short thing insofar as SFF is concerned 0_0) It’s also on Kirkus’s Must-Read Speculative Fiction books for August It’s a B&N Bookseller’s Pick for August And finally, it’s spotlit on’s list of genre benders for August More info on the book here (also, eep. Less than a month to go before release. I’ll be the one gibbering in the corner)….

Cover reveal: House of Shattered Wings (US edition)


…e their very own walls. Within the House, three very different people must come together: a naive but powerful Fallen angel; an alchemist with a self-destructive addiction; and a resentful young man wielding spells of unknown origin. They may be Silverspires’ salvation—or the architects of its last, irreversible fall. And if Silverspires falls, so may the city itself. More info here, and you can pre-order the book here:|Barnes and Noble…

Misc. self-promotion


and exile (with postapocalyptic mermaids and swarms of nanobots!). Buy at .com,, .fr, or any other amazon places. I’ll look up into how to put it for sale on smashwords on days when I feel less lazy, promise… -Proud to announce I have sold “The Waiting Stars”, the space opera story I was working on last week (snippet here if you’re interested) to Athena Andreadis and Kay Holt’s The Other Half of the Sky, an anthology of feminist space opera…

New eye-catching books: Desdaemona


…nd very much NOT your average urban fantasy. Plus, we definitely need more Brits trying out their hands at this sort of thing (I for one am getting tired of all those US settings and mindsets, and very much welcome stuff like Ben Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London/Midnight Riot, and Suzanne MacLeod’s So, if you feel like checking it out, now’s the time… I’m off to preorder my own copy….

Quick roundup


…ligent, involving and very rewarding novel which I have no hesitation in recommendation to one and all. -Val reviews it at his blog: An interesting and unusual setting, a well rounded main character (did you ever meet a priest of the dead being the good guy in a fantasy novel?) and a brisk pace. This novel has a lot going for it. -Couple of reviews showed up at amazon, mostly bewildered by the names (a sentiment I can share, though I have to admit…

Awards, awards


…Sue Michniewicz) did a clean sweep, being nominated in Best Novel, Best Newcomer and Best Artwork. W00t, let’s hear it for translated fiction! (the website possibly has a textual version of the nominees, but I couldn’t find it. I direct you to this post instead) And, of course, the Hugos were also announced Sunday evening–mega congrats to everyone, but special mentions for Eugie Foster for being on the novelette ballot with her fabulous “Sinner, B…

Cover shininess!


…have different bloodstains on my covers–you can now collect them all *g*). Coming January 2011 in the UK/Australia and February 2011 in the US/RoW. With star demons, conniving high priests and generalised political plotting. Oh, and more ahuizotls, because fingernail-eating monsters always make everything better. Pre-order on||Barnes and Noble|Book Depository| And while I’m at it, another (very nice) review of Serva…