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Locus (Rich Horton) on “The Weight of a Blessing”


…of dead ancestors, I wasn’t excited, science-fictionally. Still, one can’t deny its engagement with important contemporary issues. Uh. Interesting. I didn’t see the main point of the story being the revelation of the reason for the exile (which is pretty self-evident about halfway through, I think? For me, it’s quintessentially a story about ancestors and memory and what memories mean and how they’re passed on), but I suppose everyone takes someth…

Misc. sales


…unts’ knowledge or how they came by it. She does what she’s told to, an obedient daughter beholden to her elders, never raising a fuss or complaining– the shining example of filial piety extolled in the tales her girlfriend Thuy so painstakingly reconstitutes in her spare hours. Set in the postcolonial corner of Xuya (except no mindships this time around!). With my favourite secondary characters ever, the cabal of aunts who know what is good for y…

Locus Awards nominations


…. Wow. Apparently “Immersion” and On a Red Station, Drifting are both finalists for the Locus Awards (best short story and best novella, respectively). I’m on a freaking shortlist with Ursula Le Guin. *faints* Congrats to all my fellow nominees, and best of luck to everyone! (I won’t be at the Awards ceremony, sadly. End of June is way past the time when I’m allowed transatlantic flights, so I’ll be content with cheering everyone on). In other Red…

Guest post at Book Smuggers (SFF in conversation)


…My guest post “Dragons, heroes and spaceships: pushing against received narratives” is up at the Book Smugglers–many thanks to Ana and Thea for the invite, and I’m delighted to be the inaugural piece for their series “SFF in Conversation”, which focuses on inclusivity and diversity in SF. Go here to read it….

Today’s amusing cookbook


A guide purporting to be an encyclopaedia of Asian ingredients. Under fish sauce, it recommends the Tiparos and Squid brands as being the best ones. Maybe, if you’re doing Thai cooking? They’re both Thai fish sauces, and for Vietnamese dishes I have to admit I’ve never found them to be much use (the book doesn’t go into the fact that there are huge regional variations on fish sauces, which is odd because it specifies this for soy sauces…). Bonus…

Sturgeon Awards


…In a “good news never come alone” kind of thing, got news this morning that “Scattered Along the River of Heaven” and “Immersion” were both finalists for the Sturgeon Award. The complete list of finalists can be found here (and yes, Ken Liu is also in fine form this year 🙂 ). If you need me, I’ll be busy squeeing……

Can has first draft


…sed to her wandering through the house every night–and tonight of all nights, he knows she won’t be able to sleep. Within her, the magic pulses–a steady beat like the waves of the sea, like the call of a drum–but she’s been listening to it for months, and she knows this night is its last night. After all, nothing lasts forever, not even the spirits’ gifts. Tonight is a time for endings.  …

Announcing… the ebook edition of On a Red Station, Drifting


Ebook cover Aka the shiny… Art courtesy of Nhan Y Doanh, and cover layout thanks to Janice Hardy–thanks to both of them for putting up with my (short-term) deadlines and producing such beautiful things. (MC is Linh; the older woman in lower right-hand corner is Quyen. Slightly more detailed view of the original watercolour is here if you’re interested, since Doanh had to cut bits of it off to fit the cover format). The ebook should be live on ama…



…Have safely arrived in SFO, am now ensconced in Dario Ciriello’s house (and of course have been unable to sleep for 2 hours). Flight was eventless if a bit long, and I was glad to lie down by the end of it. Have to admit am not looking forward to return journey… But in the meantime, Nebulas! Fun! (and naps. The snakelet insists)…

Nebula Awards brief checking-in


…le at the moment), a lovely dinner with Sheila Williams in a grill place (yum salmon), and sort of managed to stay awake during the reception for the Nebula Awards nominees (sort of. I dozed off and they had to wake me up when they were about to make the announcements :p). If I ever needed confirmation that pregnancy plus jetlag is a bad combination… Today is the big day; I’m counting on adrenaline to keep me awake until the Awards ceremony (a nic…