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The Waiting Stars

…nto the body that belonged to her all along; into the arms of her family. “Come on, come on,” the women whisper, and their voices are stronger than any other noise; than Jason’s breath in the bedroom; than the motors of the floaters or the vague smell of garlic from the kitchen. “Come on, great-aunt!” She is more than this body; more than this constrained life–her thoughts spread out, encompassing hangars and living quarters; and the liquid weight…

Factions in the House of Shattered Wings

…tted spire of Notre-Dame Motto: “Look to the risen sun”/”Aspicete solem ortum” Current head of House: Selene (Fallen)   House Hawthorn Founder: ? Location: Southwest of Paris (16e Arrondissement, Auteuil) Colours: dark grey and silver Motto: “The thorn among the flowers”/”Spina inter flores ” Coat of arms: a hawthorn tree circled with a crown Current head of House: Asmodeus (Fallen) Paris Saint-Lazare, cour du Havre en 1919, carte postale ancienne…

Quick update


…Am still around, just very very busy (especially with the snakelet progressing at exponential pace towards toddlerhood. Babies are scary sometimes. The good scary, but still). Still working on the novel that wouldn’t die. 73k words in, 18.5 chapters. 30 to 40k words to go, 6.5 chapters. I can do it. *deep breath* In the meantime, I’m over at SF Signal, revealing which SFF character I would like to share a drink with….

On the prevalence of US tropes in storytelling


…eams exist only either as a background and foil for a single hero, or as a compendium of individuals, each fighting to be outdo each other in stupid displays of heroism (yes, X-men, I’m looking at you). I’m tired of the casual acceptance of violence as a valid answer to anything, of the proliferation of guns in movies and books, of how it’s always acceptable to go face the bad guys with a sword or a pistol instead of seeking a peaceful resolve. I…

Linky linky


…gs. I have written about this before, but to save you the click: people assume dogs are male. Listen out for it: you will find it’s true. (..) People assume animals are male. If you haven’t already noticed this, it’s only because it’s so pervasive. We also assume people are male, unless they’re doing something particularly feminine; you’ll usually say “him” about an unseen car driver, for example. But it’s ubiquitous in regard to animals. (…) Then…

X-Men First Class movie report


…also have the coolest suits: the yellow tight-fiting body suits just look dumb compared to Magneto’s cape and helmet… Other than that… Well, what can I say? It was a deeply sexist movie–not exactly surprising, but my (female) neighbour and I watched in growing horror the series of Emma Frost’s flimsier and flimsier costume. And every single woman in the movie ends up naked (Moira even starts the movie by dressing as a call-girl, supposedly in orde…

The mistressworks of SF


…er one of works by 21st-Century women writers. (Kev McVeigh gave me a more complete list of 150 female SF writers, but it’s not online that I can find, which is here). So, without further ado, my bit for the first meme (will get around to the second at some point): You know how it works: bold those you’ve read, italicise those you own but have not read. (If you’ve read the entire named series, you can even emboldenize that as well.) 1 Frankenstein…

Some thoughts on Full Metal Alchemist


…sacre is handled, with (I thought) less emphasis on the guilt of the alchemists who took part in it, and a tendency to shrug off war as something bad caused by homonculi rather than an inherently human problem. Perhaps the worst difference in that regard was to have Scar be the killer of the Rockbells instead of Mustang. Having Mustang be the killer in the original anime brought an edge to the character and a fount of guilt that I found too easily…

Nuoc cham dipping sauce

…e, chopped into small pieces 1 teaspoon of chilli garlic sauce (I use Lee Kum Kee, which is medium hot, since the point isn’t to take out your taste buds) Instructions Mix everything, and leave to settle in the fridge for a while (ideally, overnight, but it still works if you leave it around ten minutes. It needs to settle, though, don’t skip that part). Notes There’s a version of this which has 1 part sugar, 1 part nuoc mam, 1 part lime juice and…

And the winner is…


…ia LJ or mail to give me your mailing address and whether you wish the antho signed. Thanks very much to everyone else for entering–I had no idea Written in Blood was so popular 🙂 There will be another contest coming soon (July if I get around to it, or September, ’cause the wedding is a bit in the way of organising stuff like this), to win a copy of Servant of the Underworld and a cool Aztec coaster….