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“On worldbuilding, patchwork and filing off serial numbers” at Khaalidah’s blog


…Very quick post to let you know that I’ve guest-posted over at Khaalidah’s blog on worldbuilding and its attendant issues: the post is here (thanks very much to Khaalidah for the invitation and her ongoing patience with my missing her deadlines…) It’s less an admonition that a series of questions I’ve been asking myself–and to which I freely admit not having answers to. Any thoughts/discussions much welcome!…

In which I am caught


…half for my butcher to work out something was up–after repeated requests for minced unsalted pork meat. (again, not so much a French ingredient. At least I assume not, given the reaction)…

Can haz story


…all and diminished, like toy models or avatars–things Lan Nhen could have held in the palm of her hand and just as easily crushed. As the sensors’ line of sight moved–catching ship after ship in their field of view, wreck after wreck, indistinct masses of burnt and twisted metal, of ripped-out engines, of shattered life pods and crushed shuttles–Lan Nhen felt as if an icy fist were squeezing her heart into shards. To think of the Minds within–dead…

Cultural appropriation


…of introducing them to a fancy new culture, it doesn’t change the orientalist/racist clichés or simply the bad facts that are presented in said fiction. And when I say bad facts I don’t mean niggly details that would require weeks of research: I mean really, really bad facts akin to calling everyone in a French novel “Dracula” because everyone knows Dracula is a typically French name. Facts that should have been a part of any basic research proce…



…rimp shells, which puzzles the H as he can’t envision why I’d want to)…

Science, engineering and large projects: SF in the 19th Century


…ions and/or steps in the project’s life. At those points, the project will come under scrutiny more intensely (by the peers, the hierarchy etc.), and will have to provide quite a few elements of justification for said decisions (and the project manager might well be part of a collegial decision process in those stages). So, there you go, a short Engineering Projects 101–I’ve had quite a few years working on those by now (though admittedly mainly i…

Darkness notice


…ueue (on cultural appropriation and engineering in SF) are set back by about a week. Will be back next Monday. If you feel like you need a fix of Aliette de Bodard, may I point you to the #feministSF chat on Sunday afternoon/evening (depending on your timezone), which will focus on “Immersion” and Sofia Samatar’s “A Brief History of Nonduality Studies”?…

How (not) to plot an SF story


…Is? Nanomachines?” Me: “Ooh. I like nanomachines. Sold, now I have to think of a plot to go with those. Mmm…” Yup, this is how my SF gets plotted, which kind of explains a lot of things… (I usually get the setting from combining one societal thing with one science/SF thing; however, at this stage I’ll throw in a random element to provide the actual plot that goes with the setting. Lately, it’s been a fairytale motif, go figure)…

Fave bit for today


…Words mean something; they weigh, like contracts between families in the olden times. Cam uses them cheaply, for they’re the weapon by which she makes her way in life. Yup, not terrifically original, but I rather like it….