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In which I travel over the internet, and also for real


…2007. I still have the slipcard from LAX in my passport to prove it). I’m really looking forward to meeting people I haven’t seen in ages, but the whole “fly over the Pond” is making me nervous in an odd way. Probably because my last US trip was such a nightmare (delayed plane, hellish changeover at Heathrow, but 2-3 hours stuck in the passport queue at LAX). Ah well. I’m sure I’ll do fine. Not sure of how much blogging will take place while I’m…

The fun part of hurting your hand


…fingers). The flipside of hurting my hand goes as follow: -Basic language test: I basically switched to English the entire time the H and I were dealing with the (minor) emergency, and only switched back to French once my hand was safely bandaged. So, apparently, when in pain, I switch to English. Go figure… -Basic rice cooking test: since I could only use the left hand, the H ended up cooking rice–an activity that, by unspoken agreement, is left…

Dublin worldcon

- 0 comments - Events

…ce to notions of due process and civil rights. Can these hybrid narratives really acknowledge the ways in which real law enforcement is tangled up with race, class, and so on, and what do they reveal about attitudes to contemporary policing? Chris M. Barkley (M), Rachel Coleman, Dan Moren, Aliette de Bodard   Reading: Aliette de Bodard 15 Aug 2019, Thursday 14:00 – 14:20, ECOCEM Room (CCD)   Autographs: Thursday at 16:00 15 Aug 2019, Thursday 16:0…

The House of Shattered Wings: chapter one

…decided? Download First Three Chapters (MOBI/Kindle) Other formats: EPUB | PDF Want more online? Read excerpt from Chapter Four! Want your copy? Where to Buy Hardback (US) Penguin Random House Amazon US Barnes and Noble US Indie Stores The Book Depository Trade Ppb (UK) Amazon UK Foyle’s Waterstones Blackwell’s WH Smith The Book Depository Ebook/Audio Amazon US (Kindle) Amazon UK (Kindle) Kobo Blackstone Audio (US audiobook) Orion Books (UK &RoW a…

Awards eligibility and awards recommendations


…killer drones, signal processing and a lot of mindships 🙂 You can find it online here, and also in EPUB, MOBI (Kindle) and PDF format (if you need DOC or RTF, drop me a line via the contact form, and I’ll be quite happy to provide a copy. I just am not a big fan of putting Word formats online–too easy to modify them by mistake…). It’s eligible for the Hugos and Nebulas (in the novelette category), and for the BSFA Awards as well. Now for the less…

Mac migration, part 2


…e of about 350 items: all of my submissions history from the last 5 years, complete with comments. It’s been made by Sonar, Simon Haynes’ nifty .NET software. Of course, the .NET framework isn’t exactly a standard part of OSX, leaving me a bit dry. I hesitated for a while on how to handle this one. There’s an existing piece of Software, Manuscript Tracker, which does pretty much the same as Sonar. Except… well, you knew it, didn’t you? The databas…

Free ebooks sept 26-27 include “Scattered Among Strange Worlds”


…rcumstances will soon take him. In the sweltering jungle, his purity has become a commodity to the ettin invaders and their lord, the dark Vexor. But how long can his innocence last in a godless land? A short story by AJ Cooper   Looking For Daddy Three weeks ago, Daddy left town with the other volunteer firefighters to fight the fires in the city and Tom and Mother have looked after the farm. Radios, phones and TV have fallen silent, trains have…

Rant/Addendum to “The View from the Other Side”


…et is stretched so there is no money for it”. I’m sorry, that’s just not a valid reason. Yes, I fully agree that a good translator is expensive. Translating, say, from French to English is more expensive than taking an English author direct. In this we totally agree. But… But wanna take a guess as to how much a good translator from English into French costs, and how much cheaper it would be to buy a local author? ‘cos it’s known as a symmetrical p…


…he Detective. Finally, she is the author of the Dragons and Blades series, comedies of manners, murders and family shenanigans set in a Gothic Vietnamese court, which comprise Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders and Of Charms, Ghosts and Grievances (2022 BSFA Award Winner). She lives in Paris, France. Aliette is represented by John Berlyne of the Zeno Literary Agency: for any enquiry, please contact the agency. Sign up for the newsletter here. Original…

The Shipmaker online


…an now find “The Shipmaker” online, over at the TTA press website. Do feel free to come back here and comment on it after you’ve read it–any and all feedback appreciated. (while you’re at it, you can read another shortlisted story, Nina Allan’s “Flying in the Face of God”, which is definitely worth spending some time with) I swear there will be actual content on this blog soon, and not shameless self-promotion–but for that, my %%% fever is going t…