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Ye obligatory eligibility post, plus asking for story recommendations


…ith a rebel returning to her home in a cage, and the effect she has on the community. Chockful of detail, with a strong voice reminiscent of the best magical realists. Track it online and read it, you won’t regret it. Plus, it has an awesome illustration. Novella: -“The Man Who Ended History: a Documentary”, Ken Liu (available online here at Ken’s website, originally published in Panverse Three). Ken had a lot of very good stories this year, but t…

“The Waiting Stars” up for a Nebula Award


…fiction. Media: For information on obtaining press passes, interviews with nominees, or questions about the event itself, please contact SFWA’s Communications Manager, Jaym Gates, at….

The Lost Xuyan Bride

…king implant is at my house; I can give you the address where the security company found it. Is that enough?” I shrugged. “It’s going to have to be.” “I see. I’ll take you to my house, Mr. Brooks, and you can see for yourself.” I shook my head. “I come in my own time.” In truth, there were several things I needed to do before leaving, things I could not let her see. He Chan-Li raised an eyebrow. “Some would say this is arrogance.” I shrugged. I co…

The House of Shattered Wings: chapter one

…you won’t have to face the judges in the City again. Nothing, until the ground comes up to meet you, and you land in a jumble of pain and shattered bones; and the scream you didn’t think you had in you scrapes your throat raw as you let it out—like the first, shocked breath of a baby newly born into a universe of suffering. *** It was Ninon who first saw her. Philippe had felt her presence first, but hadn’t said anything. It wasn’t a wish to prote…

Awards season


…voters. -for those with more time on their hands, my novel Servant of the Underworld is eligible for the Hugos, Nebulas and BSFA awards (and the email offer still stands). It’s also in the SFWA forums. -if you hate my guts and/or didn’t feel my stories were great (fair enough), don’t forget to still read and vote. As I understand it, a lot of awards suffer from too few potential voters actually casting their votes, leading to the loudest people w…

And for your reading pleasure…


…ltar: a minor member of the Imperial Family, who had died in a boating accident on Lake Texcoco. My priests had bandaged the gaping wound on his forehead and smoothed the wrinkled skin as best as they could; they had dressed him with scraps of many-coloured cotton and threaded a jade bead through his lips – preparing him for the long journey ahead. As High Priest for the Dead, it was now my responsibility to ease his passage into Mictlan, the unde…

D-5: bonus short story: “Safe, Child, Safe”


…eneath the Mask” was published by in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and is still online at their archives. But the third one, “Safe, Child, Safe”, had only been published in print. Fear not, it’s now online as well! A snippet: I knew something was wrong with the child as soon as his father brought him to me. He was perhaps four, five years old, and everything about him was high-born Mexica: his tunic of cotton embroidered with leaping deer; his skin the…

Awards eligibility and awards recommendations


…f the people involved are acquaintances or friends–that said, I wouldn’t recommend their stories if I didn’t genuinely like them and think them award worthy). Short stories: –“Silent Bridge, Pale Cascade” by Benjanun Sriduangkaew, Clarkesworld December 2013. A woman comes back from the dead to deal with her former spouse. Awesome world building, crunchy thoughts on history and the manipulation of public and private record, and tantalising hints of…

Nebula Awards Final Ballot


…nte (Catherynne M. Valente, Jun09) Leviathan, Scott Westerfeld (Simon, Oct09) For more information, visit or…

Crossing the Midday Gate

…ot expecting to return to it–thankful that the Empress had seen fit to spare her life; that she wasn’t walking to her execution for threefold treason. Twenty years later–after the nightmares had faded, after she was finally used to the diminished, eventless life on the Sixty-First Planet–she did come back, to find it unchanged: the Midday Gate towering over the moat; the sleek ballet of spaceships between the pagodas and the orbitals; the ambient…