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…men survived easier than ships–because they had armours, because the ships had been tasked to take care of them. Dong Huong remembered arguing with Lady Meng’s Brewer–begging the ship to spare itself instead of her–and running against a wall of obstinacy, a fundamental incomprehension that ships could be more important than humans. Among the Northerners, however, everything was different. (I have no idea what I’m going to do with this, and it look…

Can haz first draft!


…ors and the bodhisattva Quan Am to find strength; but that it would always come back to that core of dark thoughts within you, that fundamental fright you carried with you like a yin shadow in your heart. I know, of course, where it started. I took you to the ship–because I had no choice, because Khi Phach was away on some merchant trip to the Twenty-Third Planet–because you were a quiet and well-behaved son, and the birth-master would have attend…

Interview: Djibril al-Ayad and Fabio Fernandes


…telligent people, that is, as every people on the world should be treated historically, socially, and narratively. I think the best we can do is not underestimate the Other. *Djibril:* I think the best and maybe only way for a writer to avoid unthinkingly perpetuating problematic tropes is to think–think hard about everything you say and write. That sounds like a platitute, but I seriously believe that we can learn a lot by being self-conscious. W…

Top Ten Google Searches for my Website


…her in the dish. (what do you mean, no? Ah yes, I didn’t actually take chemistry beyond cristallography and basic organics… Mind you, I suspect it’s fairly simple stuff as far as chemistry is concerned, which doesn’t mean it’s unimportant. Pineapple chocolate brownies is a vitally important dish, a concentrate of yumminess that dispels the gloom) 4. reflection paper on dancer’s gift sociology in life Hum, I’m afraid I can’t help you there? 5. best…

Ok, it’s your fault…


…ters in Exile”. Put it up on OWW for crits, and waiting for the inevitable complaints about density. (to be fair, it’s very very dense, and I didn’t even get to cram enough food in it [1]). *sigh* I shall now go back to my novel and browbeat it into submission. So far, it hasn’t exactly been cooperative… [1] All stories should have food. It improves the plot immeasurably. Also, it compensates for those times when I’m typing on my computer and can’…


…Via xanthalanari and j_cheney: learnt that KD Wentworth passed away from complications related to cancer and pneumonia. I… um, am pretty much speechless. She was always generous with her advice, and did a beyond-excellent job of being the first judge for Writers of the Future, as well as an awesome teacher and a great writer. Gaaah. The world sucks….

Darkness notice


…Just a heads-up that I’ll be in Sussex for four days for the Villa Diodati workshop; there might be wifi there, but I’m not really going to be inclined to keep blogging much… See you on Wednesday 😀…

The writer in strange kitchens


…rnt my lesson: take chopsticks with me next time I have to cook in a stranger’s kitchen 😀 [1] In case you’re wondering, the actual Villa Diodati workshop was great; I got tons of work done, edited “The Two Sisters in Exile” into submittable form, and made a head start on revising “Immersion”, aka the globalisation piece in space (with social networks! And Vietnamese! And lemongrass chicken!)….

Saturday update


…I guess, and my fingers are crossed it doesn’t fail me again. And I have found my synopsis and my first chapter, so I’m ready to roll! I obsessively proofread the upcoming “Immersion” in Clarkesworld; I think I’ve got everything, but probably I haven’t 🙂 Kind of worried how it’ll come across: I seem to have moved in a new phase where I attempt very ambitious and very personal things, and end up always worried I’ll get something wrong or get howled…

ProspectArt meeting in Bucharest


…ly “Immersion” or “The Two Sisters in Exile”, which barely anyone has seen yet!). You can find more information about the event (in Romanian) here [1]. And for those of you who can make it, I look forward to seeing you there! (and, hum, aside from this, if anybody has recommendations on what the H and I should see while in Bucharest, go ahead) [1] I don’t speak a word of Romanian, but google translate tells me it says very blush-inducing things ab…