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Shattered Wings Thursdays: the Immortals


Welcome back to Shattered Wings Thursdays, the weekly feature of art related to The House of Shattered Wings. 40 days to release of the Roc hardcover edition (and 42 days to the Gollancz trade paperback). Getting closer and closer! So I promised something about other magical beings: here’s one set. The Immortals (tiên) live in the Far East, in Annam. Unlike Fallen, they’re humans who have ascended through meditation, knowledge and merit, and join…

Shattered Wings Thursday: House Lazarus


Welcome back to Shattered Wings Thursdays, the weekly feature of art related to The House of Shattered Wings. 12 days to release of the Roc hardcover edition (and 14 days to the Gollancz trade paperback). Eep. Almost there! Paris Saint-Lazare, cour du Havre en 1919, old postcard Today: second-to-last of the magical factions (well, at least those I have space for :p) Lazarus is an interesting faction: first, because it’s a recently founded House (…

UK cover reveal for House of Shattered Wings


…re-Dame before I nuked it 🙂 ) Just as a reminder, House of Shattered Wings comes out August 20th from Gollancz in the UK and Commonwealth/August 18th from Roc in the US. The UK cover copy is below. A superb murder mystery, on an epic scale, set against the fall out – literally – of a war in Heaven. Paris has survived the Great Houses War – just. Its streets are lined with haunted ruins, Notre-Dame is a burnt-out shell, and the Seine runs black wit…

Publishing and non-Anglo countries


…not everyone will agree with me RE copyright laws, piracy and ebooks. Feel free to comment/argue/refute in the comments. This is very much something I would love to hear discussion on). [1] I know, it’s a complicated problem from a business point of view, especially with the permeability of boundaries: it was fine to set prices in the US for the US; and then to deal almost on a case-by-case basis on export problems, but today the market and the de…

Shattered Wings Thursdays: the Fallen


Welcome back to Shattered Wings Thursdays: your weekly picture and teaser text about The House of Shattered Wings, excerpted from the Pinterest board I’m running for the novel. We are now 55 days away from the release of the Roc edition (and just a teensy bit more away from the Gollancz edition). Here’s today’s picture: Aka, pretty close to my mental image of Lucifer Morningstar, pre-Fall… One of the key differentiators in The House of Shattered…

Shattered Wings Thursdays: the colonies


Welcome back to Shattered Wings Thursdays, the weekly feature of art related to The House of Shattered Wings. 33 days to release of the Roc hardcover edition (and 35 days to the Gollancz trade paperback). Getting closer and closer! (Detail on map of Saigon by Favre, 1880) In the alternate universe of devastated Paris is still pretty close to the 19th/early 20th Century; and that means that France still has a pretty large colonial empire. Post-war…

Shattered Wings Thursdays: House Silverspires


Welcome back to Shattered Wings Thursdays, the weekly feature of art related to The House of Shattered Wings. 26 days to release of the Roc hardcover edition (and 28 days to the Gollancz trade paperback). Getting closer and closer! Ludwig Rösch (Austrian, 1865-1936), Die Pilgramkanzel in St. Stephan. Pastel on paper, 65 x 52 cm. So, by popular (well, twitter) request, the last few episodes of this will focus on the different magical factions of t…

Shattered Wings Thursdays: House Hawthorn


…llen who nevertheless failed to see where the true danger to his House was coming from. Twenty years before the start of the novel, Asmodeus led a coup that deposed and killed Uphir, and became uncontested leader of the House. The colors of the House are dark grey and black, its arms are a hawthorn tree circled by a crown, and its motto is “Spina Inter Flores” (“the thorn among the flowers”). Its philosophy of life can best be summed up as “our ow…

Shattered Wings Thursday: the Houseless


Welcome back to Shattered Wings Thursdays, the weekly feature of art related to The House of Shattered Wings. 5 days to release of the Roc hardcover edition (and 7 days to the Gollancz trade paperback). Eep. Almost there! Maison du Premier Circle Catholique Ouvrier, Paris 1865 Today: last of the magical factions (well, at least those I have space for :p) The Houseless are, strictly speaking, not a faction, because the term covers a lot of people….

The House of Shattered Wings bonus art!


And to celebrate the US and UK release of The House of Shattered Wings, here is some art! Below, courtesy of Faithom, a sketch of head of Asmodeus, head of House Hawthorn, having an argument with Selene, head of House Silverspires (from chapter 10 if you’ve read the book!).   And below is the painting the amazing Tade Thompson very kindly did for the ebook In Morningstar’s Shadow (which you can still get if you send me a picture of you with the b…