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Author’s Notes for “Immersion”


…dentity); they started out as “Hoa”, until I remembered that “Hoa” was the real-life name of the Chinese communities in Vietnam… This is set in the same continuity (of sorts) as “Scattered Along the River of Heaven”, which was set on Felicity Station: Longevity is another station in the network of ex-colonies, though with different masters. You’ll also notice the reference to Prosper Station–the trio Longevity, Prosper(ity) and Felicity together m…

Magick 4 Terri


…ry year to borrow the new volume from the library. I remember the sense of real magic from its pages, and the joy of getting lost among Terri’s selections of authors (Ellen’s side was more horror, and I don’t react as well to that as I o to fantasy). But you don’t need me to tell you that–you probably have your own reminisciences of how important Terri Windling is and has been to the field. Well, now she’s in deep legal and financial trouble, and

Recent reads


…olved blood and sweat); and wonderful and deep characters that refuse to become established stereotypes, and feel very much like real human beings with their flaws and frailties, but also their wonderful capacity for quiet heroism. I’m very much looking forward to the last book, Ad Aeternum. –Steam-Powered 2, edited by JoSelle Vanderhooft (review copy). I’m probably not in the target audience for this, because I’m not particularly fond of romance…

Cultural appropriation


…s I don’t mean niggly details that would require weeks of research: I mean really, really bad facts akin to calling everyone in a French novel “Dracula” because everyone knows Dracula is a typically French name. Facts that should have been a part of any basic research process, and that make the reader doubt the author really cared about the culture they were so “thoughtfully” depicting. Names. Food. Religion. That kind of thing. You’ll think that…

Court of Birth, Court of Strength up at Beneath Ceaseless Skies


…d it was the shape of a four-poster bed that had seen better days, its silk canopy patched so many times the patterns on it had all but disappeared under the seams of repairs.   Read online! (for anyone who’s read the books: this happens before The House of Shattered Wings, and it’s the Asmodeus/Samariel courtship story!)…

Friend pimpage


…a Loenen-Ruiz’s beautiful tribal story, “Hi Bugan ya Hi Kinggawan”, is now online at Fantasy Magazine. I first read it a year ago at VD4 in England, and just knew this awesome piece of prose would find a good home. Go read it! If not for the Mama-oh’s quick actions, you would have grown up without a mother. With a bamboo tube, and a woven blanket, she captured your mother’s spirit just as it was leaving her body, and so your mother was restored to…

“Shipbirth” nominated for a Nebula for Best Short Story


…r has been cumbersome because of RL, but so totally worth it. Below is the complete listing. Meanwhile, I’ll be over there in the corner, comatose (partly from shock, partly from sheer jetlag, my body being utterly convinced it’s still in Vietnam and therefore that it should be in bed). More later. Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America is proud to announce the nominees for the 2011 Nebula Awards (presented 2012), the nominees for the Ray…

House of Binding Thorns excerpt!


… has published an excerpt of The House of Binding Thorns (chapter one, to be more specific). In which we return to the House of Hawthorn, its Fallen head Asmodeus, and to alchemist and angel essence addict Madeleine–aka “character in deep trouble” ^-^ Read Chapter One Online! More book info here (coming your way April 2017 from Roc in the US and Gollancz in the UK/RoW!)…

Release Day for House of Binding Thorns! (UK)


…representation, and magic. Martin Cahill, Barnes and Noble blog A striking example of a story that both stands alone and expands (…) truly beautifully balanced: between new and old, birth and death, beauty and ugliness, inside and outside, beginning and, yes, ending. It walks the line, and walks it fine. Niall Alexander, Where to Buy Hardback (US) Penguin Random House US indie stores Amazon US Barnes and Noble The Book Depository Trade Ppb…

Shattered Wings Thursdays: the Houses


…ncy from those who would prey on them, the Houses in post-war Paris have become fortresses, hoarding their wealth and dependents and fighting each other for scraps of power. A House actually encompasses a small area of Paris: it’s not a building, but generally a series of streets and associated buildings. For instance, House Silverspires, the setting of much of the novel, covers the entirety of Ile de la Cité. Each House has a formal uniform with…