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A Taste of Salt: Cooking the Books with Ruthanna Emrys


.com Publishing, a novel about re-imagined Deep Ones. Read excerpts at| Buy at Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Indiebound We talk about how Ruthanna uses food to evoke memory in her book. What we didn’t realize is that we would also be talking about revising the Lovecraftian recipe, and exploring monster digestion. This podcast contains so much salt. Also a heads up about Ruthanna’s book party with her blog co-host Anne M. Pillsworth at Wiscon…

Cooking the books with Malka Older


…lka Older is a writer, aid worker, and PhD candidate. Her writing can be found at Leveler,, Bengal Lights, Sundog Lit, Capricious, Reservoir, Inkscrawl, Rogue Agent, in the poetry anthology My Cruel Invention, and in Chasing Misery, an anthology of writing by female aid workers. Her science fiction political thriller Infomocracy is the first full-length novel from, and the sequel Null States will be published in 2017. She was nomin…

Breath of War up for a Nebula


…er (FSG Originals; Fourth Estate; HarperCollins Canada) Novella We Are All Completely Fine, Daryl Gregory (Tachyon) Yesterday’s Kin, Nancy Kress (Tachyon) “The Regular,” Ken Liu (Upgraded) “The Mothers of Voorhisville,” Mary Rickert ( 4/30/14) Calendrical Regression, Lawrence Schoen (NobleFusion) “Grand Jeté (The Great Leap),” Rachel Swirsky (Subterranean Summer ’14) Novelette “Sleep Walking Now and Then,” Richard Bowes ( 7/9/14) “Th…


…nt spaceships: a complete list of these stories and some additional background information can be found here. Short novels set in this universe include Seven of Infinities (Subterranean Press, October 2020, Locus Award finalist), and Nebula-award winning The Tea Master and the Detective. Finally, she is the author of the Dragons and Blades series, comedies of manners, murders and family shenanigans set in a Gothic Vietnamese court, which comprise…

Of Mangoes and Radium: Cooking the Books with Brooke Bolander


…kens to a custardy consistency. Trust me, it is way, way simpler than it sounds. Custard is the easiest thing in the world to make, so long as you don’t stop whisking. Remove from heat and whisk in the butter. Pass through a fine mesh strainer; you’re probably gonna have a bit of cooked egg white in there no matter what you do and this will take care of that. Transfer to a jar and let cool before using in the cocktail or just eating by the spoonfu…

Awards consideration & recommendation post


…kingdom, and the desperate straits in which it leaves its princess and her companion. This is a heart wrenching tale of power, friendship, and two women’s struggle to survive. Marjorie Liu’s “The Briar and the Rose” (which I suspect is a novelette, from Navah Wolfe’s and Dominik Parisien’s The Starlit Wood) is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty with a twist: a swordswoman falls in love with Rose–but Rose is only herself one day of the week, when the w…

Three-book sale to Angry Robot!!


…ing; nine months later, one of them is my agent, and one of them has offered me a deal for three books, starting with Servant of the Underworld, and going on to two sequels….

Cover reveal: US edition of THE HOUSE OF BINDING THORNS


…erbach, and it looks gorgeous. Here’s a little teaser: Head on over to for the full cover, and the official cover copy aka “what this book is about in more detail”. Be warned, however, that if you haven’t read The House of Shattered Wings and intend to (though you don’t need to have read The House of Shattered Wings to enjoy this, it’s standalone), this contains major spoilers. If you want a between-the-books snippet and a look at the Pint…

Lullaby for a Lost World art


…Over at Twitter, Irene Gallo posted the fabulous art for my forthcoming piece, “Lullaby for a Lost World”, courtesy of Alyssa Winans . Isn’t it *so* pretty? (I love’s art. Such wonderful pieces)….



…go with it!) And in case you’re hesitating: here’s Niall Alexander at There’s an intelligence—and, yes, an elegance—to The House of Shattered Wings that is as rare and precious as angel essence. It’s a wonder, in a word, and I for one want more. (and yes, there’s more coming! The book is the first of a duology tentatively titled “Dominion of the Fallen”) Where to Buy Hardback (US) Penguin Random House Amazon US Barnes and Noble US Indie…