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Apnea vs. breaststroke


…start a novel draft, I take a deep breath, and plunge in–and I try not to come back up again too many times, because it’s really hard to get back into the swing of things once I’ve stopped for a long while. When I’m writing a novel, I have to keep going–keep writing stuff, even if it’s only a little every day. I waste time surf on the internet and I keep sending emails, of course, but it’s a lot like survival mode: I’m doing it it to unwind and f…

Lullaby for a Lost World

…You do not rest. You cannot forgive. You are not safe– you never were. I blame Elizabeth Bear, Scott Lynch, D Franklin, Gareth M Skarka and Mur Lafferty for this. They really shouldn’t have challenged me to write a unicorn story. Art by Alyssa Winans, art direction Irene Gallo….

Of Charms, Ghosts and Grievances

…hinese/Vietnamese kind), ghosts, charms and murders. Content note: no harm comes to the children. (Art and cover design: Ravven) Winner of British Science Fiction Association Award, Best Short Fiction Official blurb: From the author of the critically acclaimed Dominion of the Fallen trilogy comes a sparkling new romantic adventure full of kissing, sarcasm and stabbing. It was supposed to be a holiday, with nothing more challenging than babysitting…

Last day to nominate for the Hugos!


…ween “A Salvaging of Ghosts” , “A Hundred and Seventy Storms”, and “Pearl” in the excellent anthology The Starlit Wood–you can read the first two free online, or you can check out the Cheat Starter Guide to Xuya)…

Dysprosium 2015

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…ign up for this at the registration desk, and I’m quite happy to field any questions, from information about my forthcoming stuff (*erm* House of Shattered Wings *erm*) to recipe ideas, to how to brew tea :p Saturday 11:00: How to Write the Other (Ian Whates, Gareth L Powell, Kim Lakin-Smith). Off-piste programme. I’m not too firm yet on where this is happening but I’m assuming it’ll be pretty easy to find. Come and see us! Saturday 12:30: Reading…

Picking fish sauce: a primer

…ons, though again, it’s not my specialty, just stuff I learnt on the fly…) (picture courtesy of Jennifer Yin on flickr. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial Generic 2.0 license).  …

“The Lonely Heart” in Lightspeed Magazine


…gore, and please don’t blame me if you get nightmares” :p). I also answer questions here. You can buy the entire issue at the Lightspeed Magazine website, too–please consider doing so? Magazines like Lightspeed need subscribers and issue buyers if they’re to make money. Snippet: It was towards mid-afternoon that Chen became aware of the girl. She stood before Chen’s stall, watching the fake-jade effigies of the Buddha and the coloured incense sti…

Brief update


…I’m posting tidbits on twitter , under the hashtags #amrevising #novel (I really should start a #shatteredwings hashtag…) and some hivemind questions on Facebook (it’s easier on FB because you don’t have the 140 characters limit). To give you an idea, my last question: “if a cathedral gets nuked and no masses are celebrated there any more, are the ruins still consecrated ground”? (yes, it’s Notre-Dame. A significant chunk of action takes place th…

Read for Pixels Google Hangouts

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…ing campaign to fight violence against women. I’ll be reading from my forthcoming The House of Binding Thorns: ruined and decadent Paris, magical intrigues, dragons in human shape, and kissing and stabbing (not necessarily in that order :p), and taking questions about my writing. More info here, and access details to the livestream channel here. I’m also offering a Parisian Bundle for the fundraiser, which will let you curl up with The House of Sh…