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Ten things I cannot do without in the kitchen (part 1 of 2)


…te or sugar); the third is that the metric scale indicates the first 10 mL (which is really useful for small amounts of liquid and avoids me juggling with tablespoons and teaspoons). I see, though, that the version for sale on doesn’t really seem to have #3 on my list, which is odd? And that’s all for this week–tune in next week for the next five items on the list πŸ™‚ What about you? What items couldn’t you do without in the kitchen? (par…

ROF: Fiction: Help Me Internets!


…so inclined. (PLEASE NOTE: this is a special exception made just for them under the circumstances–we’re still at this time just accepting submissions via snail mail). However, there are also quite a number of submissions that are sitting with Shawna, enough that I thought it would be a good idea to post this note. Here’s the thing: Shawna is going to have a lot of reading ahead of her as we build the magazine’s fiction inventory back up. Since I…

Year’s Best SF 30 in all good bookshops


…Today, Gardner Dozois’s The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Thirtieth Annual Collection, hits the store. Stories by Lavie Tidhar, Pat Cadigan, Brit Mandelo, Elizabeth Bear, Hannu Rajaniemi and more luminaries of the genre–and it also includes my Xuya continuity story “Ship’s Brother”, originally published in Interzone. Cover Buy now at||Book Depository….

Coming soon: Fireheart Tiger!

- 0 comments has revealed the cover of my upcoming book Fireheart Tiger, an f/f postcolonial The Goblin Emperor meets Howl’s Moving Castle. Look at it, isn’t it amazing? Cover art by Alyssa Winans Some small details you might not have noticed: the dragon on the pillar behind the woman (the flag of the country in the story is the dragon and pearl) the object catching fire in her hand is a teacup, referring to a story scene the guns in the lower right-h…

RIP Anne McCaffrey


…Woke up to find out that Anne McCaffrey had died–I had never met her, but her work meant a lot to me when I was a teenager. At a time when most of the SF I read was male-dominated, it was good to know that girls could be dragon-riders and Harpers and have adventures just like the male protags. The world is going to be a little less without her in it….

In the Shadow of the Ship

…Khuyên and the ship. But saving Anh requires doing what Khuyên couldn’t do before: face her family, face the ship, face her own hopes and fears for the future—a future that might well include ThαΊ£o, but only if Khuyên can stop listening to the critical voice in her head. A voice that sounds an awful lot like Nightjar’s… Where to Buy Subterranean Press (North America) JAB Books (Rest of World) Buy Now Cover (US): Maurizio Manzieri Cover (UK): Dirk…

Recent reads


…olved blood and sweat); and wonderful and deep characters that refuse to become established stereotypes, and feel very much like real human beings with their flaws and frailties, but also their wonderful capacity for quiet heroism. I’m very much looking forward to the last book, Ad Aeternum. –Steam-Powered 2, edited by JoSelle Vanderhooft (review copy). I’m probably not in the target audience for this, because I’m not particularly fond of romance…

Linky linky


…(who needs no presentation–if you feel you need one, read the awesome Quantum Thief). -Over at Kaaron Warren’s blog, I speak of Master of the House of Darts–using history as inspiration, and how to let your characters have at each other (which should always be your top priority πŸ™‚ ) -Stomping On Yeti selects his pick of books for October–and I’m more than a little flabberghasted to find out that Master of the House of Darts ties with David Anthony…

Couple pubs


…f Wonders”, amidst a lineup that includes Tad Williams, Joe Haldeman and Peter Watts (*gulp*). You can see the art by Mark Zug here on Google+….