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Semi-hemi-darkness notice


…nna Caltabiano Wednesday August 5th 18:30 onwards (book tickets here, it’s free but you need to register your attendance); and Fantasy in the Court at Goldsboro Books here on August 6th 6:00pm-9:00pm (tickets £5, book here. Lots of other cool authors here!). FYI, The House of Shattered Wings finishes printing end of July, so hopefully there’ll be copies around. The August newsletter will be a little late due to the aforementioned holiday, expect i…

Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders

…Barnes and Noble Amazon US (print) Amazon UK (print) Audiobook Audible Buy now (Art and cover design: Ravven) Official blurb: From the author of the critically acclaimed Dominion of the Fallen trilogy comes a tale of dragons, and Fallen angels — and also kissing, sarcasm and stabbing. Lunar New Year should be a time for familial reunions, ancestor worship, and consumption of an unhealthy amount of candied fruit. But when dragon pri…

In the Lands of the Spill

…A story of feral AIs, flooded Vietnam, and the lands of the Spill… Locus Award finalist, 2020, Best Short Story It was a quiet stretch of the Red River: glistening waters that parted under my legs, and the damaged karst pillars rising on either side of me like fallen fortresses, and the remnants of the pre-Spill factories: the sharp fragments of faceted domes, the corroded walls, the forlorn ruins of the era of unbridled excesses….

The Dragon’s Tears

Huan Ho passed through the gates, which lay open for fear the riders would tear them down to enter the city, and took the long, winding road that led past the rice fields into the hills above Fei Weng. The air was crisp and cold, and stung his exposed skin. He walked on. The door through which the riders came stood a little way from a fork in the road. Its wood was old and weathered, and the lacquer had cracked in many places. Faded pictures of p…

“On worldbuilding, patchwork and filing off serial numbers” at Khaalidah’s blog


…Very quick post to let you know that I’ve guest-posted over at Khaalidah’s blog on worldbuilding and its attendant issues: the post is here (thanks very much to Khaalidah for the invitation and her ongoing patience with my missing her deadlines…) It’s less an admonition that a series of questions I’ve been asking myself–and to which I freely admit not having answers to. Any thoughts/discussions much welcome!…

Eurocon next week!


…active” because I foresee I’ll be spending a lot of time asking vocabulary questions from the audience… I will also have the shiny business cards above on me: The House of Binding Thorns ones have got a random quote from the book, so if you want a peek at the book, do get one (The House of Shattered Wings ones have got a choice of covers plus glowing review quotes :)). (do bear in mind I’ll be with the librarian though, so if I look like I’m runni…

Read for Pixels fundraiser and Google Hangout


…or Karen Rose is matching all donations up to $4000, so now’s the time for donating if you want to! To support the fundraiser, I’ll be taking part in Read for Pixels’ Google Hangout on Sunday March 19th, 4pm Paris Time. I’ll be reading from my forthcoming The House of Binding Thorns: ruined and decadent Paris, magical intrigues, dragons in human shape, and kissing and stabbing (not necessarily in that order :p), and taking questions about my writi…

Brief update


…aced the French edition? Well, now it can be in your living room, with the complete Acatl novels. We’re currently discussing what will go in the omnibus beyond the text of the three novels, but I expect there’ll be bonus extras. -My Nebula Awards interview (from last year) by John Ottinger III, is now up at the SFWA website–I talk about cooking, diversity in genre, and my fave bools with fabulous settings. Thanks to the tireless Charles Tan for or…

ProspectArt in Bucharest meeting report


…s undistinguishable from “wrong”, which is a little problematic for actual comprehension… And, finally, it’s really hard to mix Vietnamese and English when talking, unless it’s for safe words like “phở” that I know very well… But it went well overall; at least no one ran away screaming 😀 Among the attendees were Cristian Tamas, Eugen Lenghel, Marian Truta, Alexandru Mironov, Sorin Repanovici, and Jack Feinberg (sorry, didn’t get everyone’s names!)…

Xa xiu: char siu, barbecued laqué pork

…cooking is the key bit, and I might as well do that for a lot of meat. It freezes wonderfully, so you can make a lot, and always have some on hand for those hunger pangs. A word of warning: this is best done with a fatty part of the pork, because the cooking process I use dries the meat. Having tried it, I definitely advise against using filet mignon or leaner cuts of the pork. This serves, a lot of people? I generally have enough for 3 or 4 meal…