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Quick weekend update


…stress and little incentive to GET THE ENDING NOW. Now I know where my tendency for dialogue-and-interviews-as-plot comes from… I also read Elizabeth Bear’s Dust, the first volume of her Jacob’s Ladder trilogy, and fell in love all over again. It’s a blend of Arthurian mythos, Zelazny’s Amber, and Bear’s awesomely lyrical and mythic language. Think backstabbing family politics, on a generation ship. With swords and knights and angels, except ever…

The mistressworks of SF


…er one of works by 21st-Century women writers. (Kev McVeigh gave me a more complete list of 150 female SF writers, but it’s not online that I can find, which is here). So, without further ado, my bit for the first meme (will get around to the second at some point): You know how it works: bold those you’ve read, italicise those you own but have not read. (If you’ve read the entire named series, you can even emboldenize that as well.) 1 Frankenstein…

Brief update


…ech after all 😉 (I remain intrigued by the sharp divide between people who complained the story was too slight, and people who said it was too complicated to follow. The breadth of reactions to the same text is always something I find very much fascinating). Currently finishing up my edits for Master of the House of Darts, writing up the historical notes and the acknowledgments. Next up: more novella work, in addition to preparing the California/N…

Hugo voting


…absent-minded, so better safe than sorry. You can actually still register online, either as a full attending member, or as a supporting member if you’re not planning to attend the con. In both cases, you get the voters’ packet, which is chockfull of goodies, including awesome comics like Fables, and entire novels only available in hardcover. Well worth the (50$-) price of admission. Plus, of course, you get the right to vote for the Hugos–and, li…

Banh chuoi nuong: banana and coconut pudding

…op of it if there’s any left. Put in oven, 180°c, 1 hour to 1h15, until golden on top and moist inside. 3.5.3251   Just a few notes on the process from me: bananas, especially ripe ones, are a pain in the %%% neck to slice lengthwise, so don’t worry if they end up a bit mashed in the process. You want thin slices, though. If you’ve ever wondered about the difference between coconut cream and coconut milk: both are made by mixing the liquid that’s…

Ga xao sa ot: grilled chicken with chillies and lemongrass

…Add the remaining tablespoon fish sauce and swirl to make sure it’s absorbed. Add the crushed peanuts, the sesame and the tablespoon honey, wait for the honey to become liquid again, and mix well. Cook until golden. Garnish with coriander and serve with rice. 3.1.09  …

Candied chestnuts (marrons glacés)

…m was super complicated, and that I should therefore abstain. But then I found a recipe online, and I saw that they’re not complicated to make. They’re just… an investment. Not in ingredients (it’s basically sugar and chestnuts) or in supplies (you need a metal colander, a large saucepan, and you’re set), but in time. See, this is a recipe that requires 7 days from start to finish. Before you run away screaming: on each of those seven days you’ll…

The Waiting Stars

…nto the body that belonged to her all along; into the arms of her family. “Come on, come on,” the women whisper, and their voices are stronger than any other noise; than Jason’s breath in the bedroom; than the motors of the floaters or the vague smell of garlic from the kitchen. “Come on, great-aunt!” She is more than this body; more than this constrained life–her thoughts spread out, encompassing hangars and living quarters; and the liquid weight…

Stuffed mushrooms with grated cheese

…to recycle it. Afterwards, I got a little creative with the recipe I found online, because it didn’t correspond to the ingredients I had in my fridge. It turned out quite good, actually 🙂 Stuffed mushrooms with grated cheese Recipe Type: Main Cuisine: Fusion Author: Aliette de Bodard Prep time: 20 mins Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 40 mins Serves: 3 Winter vegetables put together in a scrumptious dish. Ingredients 6 large white mushrooms 1 red pe…

On a Red Station, Drifting, in Spanish


Pretty pretty cover (link here if you’re reading the LJ/DW mirrors). Upcoming from Fata Libelli, end of the year. The artist, Omar Moreno, is also working on a cover for the Xuya collection, “El Ciclo de Xuya”. PS: I’m not *quite* back online full time. The household has caught the crud, and we have a few RL problems (scheduling issues with the snakelet, our childminder and the H. Nothing serious!) which means this blog will get toned down even m…