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Character Index for Obsidian and Blood

…coatl, traditionally opposed to Tezcatlipoca (SoU, HoS) Quiyahuayo: Jaguar Commander (SoU) S She-Snake (Tlilpopoca-tzin): vice Emperor of the Mexica (HoS) T Tezcatlipoca (Smoking Mirror): God of War and Fate, and of sorcerers (SoU, HoS) Teomitl (Arrow of the Gods, Ahuizotl): a young warrior at the boys’ calmecac (SoU, HoS) Tizoc-tzin: Master of the House of Darts, heir-apparent to the Mexica Empire (SoU, HoS) Tlaloc (The Storm Lord): God of Rain a…

Aztec glossary

…me time. iyac: (lit. Leading Youth): a warrior who has proved his worth in combat by taking a prisoner, either singly or in combat. House of Youth: the counterpart to the calmecac. Trained warriors not of the nobility. Knights: elite corps of warriors, reserved for those with strong prowess in battle. Includes the Jaguar Knights, the Eagle Knights and the Arrow Knights. macuahitl (sword): a wooden club with embedded obsidian shards; the traditiona…

Musical addictions: lastfm


…ongs to you–but Pandora threw me out because I don’t live in the States (a common problem in my life, see ebooks). Until a recent post by Tobias Buckell alerted me to the existence of Basically, download the Scrobbler app for Mac, which links to itunes and analyses your recent playing history–and then offers you a choice of “radio stations”: either the stuff by people you already love and listen to (the “library radio”), or mixes between…

Obsidian and Blood news, plus bonus content!


…he books but found the names too troublesome, the glossary is your friend! Download it here. Oh, and, now that AR has officially announced it: there will be an Obsidian and Blood omnibus! Called Obsidian and Blood, it will gather all three books in one handy paperback (or ebook), and will be released in July 2012. More details here (not much for the moment other than ISBNs, but there should be some cover art at some point). Costs £13 or $16, depen…

The Dragon that Flew out of the Sun

…ycling filters, the soft gurgle of water reconstituted from its base components, the distant noises of the station’s Mind in the Inner Rings, a vast unreality that didn’t quite concern her, that she couldn’t encompass in words….

The Jaguar House in Shadow nominated for a Nebula Award for Best Novelette


…ightspeed Magazine 8/10) ‘‘How Interesting: A Tiny Man’’, Harlan Ellison® (Realms of Fantasy 2/10) ‘‘Ponies’’, Kij Johnson ( 1/17/10) ‘‘I’m Alive, I Love You, I’ll See You in Reno’’, Vylar Kaftan (Lightspeed Magazine 6/10) ‘‘The Green Book’’, Amal El-Mohtar (Apex Magazine 11/1/10) ‘‘Ghosts of New York’’, Jennifer Pelland (Dark Faith) ‘‘Conditional Love’’, Felicity Shoulders (Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine1/10) Novelette ‘‘Map of Seventee…

The Shipmaker shortlisted for a BSFA Award


…o City is on the shortlist for Best Novel. And indeed, everyone else on the list (it’s quite an impressive rollcall). The Award Ceremony will take place at this year’s Eastercon in Birmingham–any members of the BSFA/Eastercon can vote. I’ll see about getting the story up online. As usual–many many thanks to everyone who nominated it, to Andy Cox and Andy Hedgecock for publishing it in the first place, and to the BSFA Awards administrator, Donna Sc…

Worldcon brief report


…ull name and insists on lumping it all together…); and we got the suitcase searched coming AND going. Which, at a guess, probably didn’t yield much of interest (except if you’re looking for fully licit Shlock Mercenary contraband, of which there was plenty), and got me fairly miffed when whoever repacked the suitcase broke all the cookies we were bringing to the con. Still wondering–was it the TSA-friendly lock that they saw as a challenge? Anyway…

Progress, and a few reviews


…tem to explain the world, it’s conceivable that another civilisation might come up with a completely different system that would also explain the world and allow us to predict some of the things that would happen. Then it would do exactly the same thing science does today. Our science was mostly shaped by Western/Greek/Indian thought, which gives a place of honour to mathematics–but the Chinese have always been more interested in biology and how t…

Shipmaker art


…ree if you subscribe to Interzone, or Interzone and Black Static for two years: To receive this special offer, simply order a 12 issue (two-year) subscription to either Interzone or the Interzone/Black Static combination through the TTA Press online store. Then, in the Shopper’s Reference box, enter JASON SANFORD. That way you’ll receive the special issue for free. (quoting Jason because I’m lazy)…