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The Octogon of Writers (win an anthology!)


…pty darkness, and then— The studio is gone. You can find the first reviews here and here [*]This is a sort of warmup test for my Servant of the Underworld competition, which should run sometime this summer….

In which I visit other people’s Internet space


-Maria Zannini interviews me for the Online Writing Workshop. In which I talk about critique partners, and writing rules (and how to break them) -The full version of Jenny Barber‘s interview of me can be found in the latest issue of Dark Horizons, the British Fantasy Society magazine. -And, from now until the 14th of September, I’ll be guest-blogging over at Futurismic, along with fellow IZ authors Gareth L. Powell and Lavie Tidhar. Check out tod…

Shipmaker art


…ree if you subscribe to Interzone, or Interzone and Black Static for two years: To receive this special offer, simply order a 12 issue (two-year) subscription to either Interzone or the Interzone/Black Static combination through the TTA Press online store. Then, in the Shopper’s Reference box, enter JASON SANFORD. That way you’ll receive the special issue for free. (quoting Jason because I’m lazy)…

Misc Obsidian and Blood news


…, I’ve put up the combined character index for books 1 and 2 of the series online (warning, mild spoilers), and the combined Aztec glossary (no spoilers, bar if you want to see what concepts I used in books 1 and 2 🙂 ). And for those French-speakers among you, Eclipse, the imprint of Bibliothèque Interdite, which bought the French rights to the series, has announced its initial lineup, which most notably includes Cherie Priest’s Boneshaker. Haven’…

Guest blog: the long and the short of it by Janice Hardy


…ad of the Duke of Baseer’s trackers. Wanted for a crime she didn’t mean to commit, she risks capture to protect every Taker she can find, determined to prevent the Duke from using them in his fiendish experiments. But resolve isn’t enough to protect any of them, and Nya soon realizes that the only way to keep them all out of the Duke’s clutches is to flee Geveg. Unfortunately, the Duke’s best tracker has other ideas. Nya finds herself trapped in t…

How I made a trailer (part 1 of 2)


…h). Sizes? I wanted to upload the video to youtube, where the format is around 600 pixels in the largest dimension (around 600×480, or 600×400, depending on the actual video format). So ideally, image formats around 600 pixels in the largest dimensions. When in doubt, I went for slightly larger pictures rather than smaller ones (the “small” size of istockphoto was often enough for my needs). You can get smaller images and resize them, but they’ll…

Awards: stories for consideration


…erworld, Angry Robot, October 2010 (fantasy) You can find a number of them online (I’ve linked where applicable). If I were to strongly push for something, it would be “The Jaguar House, in Shadow”, my Xuya-cum-Jaguar-Knights alternate history (eligible in the novelette category). I also like the two Interzone short stories quite a bit, especially “The Shipmaker”, but at the moment they’re not eligible for the Nebulas by virtue of having had UK pu…

Linky linky


…an Science Fiction and Fantasy. Fascinating read. -Reposting a fascinating comment by Dylan Fox on ebook issues (which came either from John Scalzi or Paul Cornell, we’re not sure): publishers think that readers buy hardbacks for early availability, so they priced early release ebooks the same as hardbacks or higher. Whereas readers tend to buy hardbacks “because they look good and last longer, they’re more tactile and look better on our shelves,…

Ebooks: wise words of the day


…or because they’re so stupidly expensive. I wanted to buy a Marc Lévy book online, but they sold it for the same price as the hardback–when the paperback was available for about a third of that price.” Yeah. You and me both. I continue to have hopes that the system is going to sort itself out, but the current trend is geared towards worse rather than better (georestrictions locking us French out of the English booksellers, high prices due to so-ca…

Linky linky


…e, in Shadow”, is up at the SRSFF website. Many thanks, as always, to Cristian Tamas and to Antuza Genescu for the translation. There is a French version forthcoming in Galaxies as well. -Both “The Jaguar House in Shadow” and “Age of Miracles, Age of Wonders” make the 2010 Tangent Online Recommended Reading list . Lots of familiar names on that list, and plenty good stories too. -And because it’s International Women’s Day, a video with Dame Judi D…