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Leavin’ on a jet plane…


…but it’s nicely done. Reminded me of my nights reading books with a light under the cover An Autumn War, Daniel Abraham Very much looking forward to this one. I loved both previous books in the series (A Shadow in Summer and A Betrayal in Winter), and this looks really good. Blood of Elves, Andrzej Sapkowski Aka winner of the David Gemmell Award. A Polish book and one of the rare ones published in English translation. I’m usually not a fan of tha…

My first translation!


…t Xuyan Bride”, originally published in Interzone, will form part of the upcoming release of Polish online library Skryptorium at the Katedra site, edited by Jan Zeranski. The site itself is not live yet, but we’ve been given permission to spread the word 🙂 You can see a preview of the working design here. The Skryptorium project aims to showcase SF/Fantasy short fiction in translation for the benefit of Polish readers. Here are the current storie…

“After the Fire” up at Apex Magazine


…in the hollows of their eye sockets as they walked past the devastated gardens, the withered trees, the dried-out waterfalls and rivers. And clouds marched across Heaven, a billowing mass of sickly grey spreading to cut the path of The Red Carp as it rose away from Earth… The issue also includes Nir Yaniv and Aleksandar Žiljak, and an interview with Maylasian writer Tunku Halim (courtesy of the tireless Charles Tan) I workshopped “After the Fire”…

Nebula eligible fiction


…tories “After the Fire”, Apex Magazine, November 2009 (Dark Chinese SF) Golden Lilies”, Fantasy Magazine, August 2009 (Dark Chinese fantasy) “Blighted Heart”, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, issue 22, July 2009 (Aztec Fantasy) “Memories of my Sister”, Expanded Horizons, issue 7, May 2009 (Pseudo Hindu fantasy) “Dancing for the Monsoon”, Abyss & Apex, issue 30, April 2009 (Pseudo Cambodian fantasy) “City of the Gods”, Alternative Coordinates, issue 1, Spr…

Fun with computers, part N


…t still leaves the question of what happens when the antivirus is wrong. I suspect you’re screwed. What a great concept… Mind you, my own internet provider puts spam in an “undesirable folder” which is only available through their clunky online email software, so it’s only marginally better….

Progress, and a few reviews


…tem to explain the world, it’s conceivable that another civilisation might come up with a completely different system that would also explain the world and allow us to predict some of the things that would happen. Then it would do exactly the same thing science does today. Our science was mostly shaped by Western/Greek/Indian thought, which gives a place of honour to mathematics–but the Chinese have always been more interested in biology and how t…

Hugo recommendations


…es from the Norse epics, which are far more sombre and violent than most moden fantasies. I loved the ending–and loved that Elizabeth Bear had the guts and the skills to pull this off. –Canticle by Ken Scholes: sequel to Lamentation, this one continues to follow Scholes’ characters as they inch every closer to the secret of the destruction of the city of Windvir. Gypsy leader Rudolfo faces assasination attempts, and the birth of his own sickly son…

Some linkage…


…nice stuff about mixed heritages/cultures, which I haven’t seen that often online). I could rant, but honestly I feel the article and the comments are self-explanatory; and I’m reassured so many people are seeing it as problematic rather than taking it as gospel. I could dissect the article point by point (and believe me, there would be a lot of points to make, but I like my blood pressure the way it i. I think instead I’m going to go back to that…

Monday monday


…a “let’s take every preconceived idea about the UK and write an episode around it without bothering to factcheck them first. Oh, and let’s give everyone exaggerated accents to make it clear we’re in the UK” way. (and, er, death penalty in the UK? Maybe, y’know, it’s been suppressed for a while now…) Bunch of reviews for my short fiction Matt at Garbled Signals on Asimov’s, July 2010, which contains my story “The Jaguar House, in Shadow”: This is a…

The Universe of Obsidian and Blood

…ferences about Aztec life in the 1480s, can I suggest the work of people like Miguel Leon-Portilla or David Carrasco. Or, to put it another way: my books are awesome, reasonably well-researched fantasy, but very bad primary sources. A few online sources on the Nahuatl people: Museo Nacional de Antropologia (webpage in Spanish) The Nahua Newsletter The International Indian Treaty Council American Indian Movement Survival International University of…