Category: journal

Books books books


So, have set the BF on Use of Weapons (while I really ought to try The Player of Games, if I can find it somewhere).

Meanwhile, I’m rereading Dorothy L. Sayers. It’s fascinating to see those books through the lens of the Thirties society they depict: they have a very strong class mentality, which I expected, but I didn’t expect the little tidbits that really tell you how much the world has changed. An example in the current one: the doctor who wants to specialise in cancer research, but can’t because there is no funding for it, or indeed any cases to be seen. (obviously, people in those times died off before cancer could set in).

Got myself a DVD of Angel with Spanish and English tracks and subtitles, to continue working on my Spanish. And, well, apart from working on a handful of edits for stuff, that would seem to be about it for the weekend. Good stuff. I shall now go back to my xa xiu cooking…

Your Saturday morning research question


Basically, I need an oblong, portable musical instrument. The first one I thought of was the flute or another wind instrument, but for various story-related reasons, it can’t be an instrument you need to breathe in to make it work.

Any ideas? It doesn’t have to be stick-shaped, but it does need to be longer than it is large.

EDIT: wow, thanks for all the answers! I’m inclining towards a variety of stringed instruments (not sure yet if it’s lute/sitar/guitar/erhu, but it looks like my MC won’t know what it is anyway).

Monday monday


  • In techie notes, I’m now proudly powered by Chrome (which is just way faster than my creaky safari, especially on my odd connection–the one that’s supposed to have a 54MBits/s bitrate but always ends up as a 200 kbits/s). Also sorted out plugins, in order to crosspost to Twitter, and to post to LJ (yes, I know, that was happening beforehand, but the update de-activated the “mirror to LJ by default setting”). And uploaded a raft of new ebooks to my Bebook mini, including a lot of Lord Peter Wimsey (I love those. Delightfully old-fashioned).
  • Bones: I have now officially reached the end of season 3, and therefore of my Spanish-dubbed DVDs. Had to switch back to English for season 4, which is a bit of an annoyance. Mind you, the first two episodes of season 4, “Yanks in the UK”, were just…painful. In a “let’s take every preconceived idea about the UK and write an episode around it without bothering to factcheck them first. Oh, and let’s give everyone exaggerated accents to make it clear we’re in the UK” way. (and, er, death penalty in the UK? Maybe, y’know, it’s been suppressed for a while now…)
  • Bunch of reviews for my short fiction
    • Matt at Garbled Signals on Asimov’s, July 2010, which contains my story “The Jaguar House, in Shadow”:

      This is a great mix of world-building, character, and action in one story.

    • Tangent Online reviews my story “Desaparecidos” in this month’s Realms of Fantasy:

      (…) her story is both well told and entertaining, and there is a nice plot twist at the halfway point (look out for the character Miguel) that does a good job of taking “Desaparecidos” in an unexpected direction

      I find it fascinating when the reviewer says that the story “never touches on religion”, because for me it’s very much one of my quintessential stories about religion–about faith and hope and the belief in some larger meaning or purpose, and how they can (or cannot) sustain us through our darker moments. And, in the end, it’s about miracles, what is just and what is fair–very much religious topics as far as I’m concerned. [1] I’m assuming what he did mean is that there was no preaching in the story, but still… Kind of struck me as odd.

[1] Not to mention the angels in the story, of course.

State of the writer


So, it’s been a thoroughly uninteresting weekend in the Bodard household, with activities ranging from movies (Robin Hood, surprisingly better than expected, although a lot of it was sheer nonsense), to cooking (chocolate and orange scones with a dodgy recipe that resulted in burnt things tasting vaguely of chocolate), ironing (aka tackling the pile of laundy that’s not been touched for a few decades) and writing (finished up one short story, subbed it).

Also watched a bunch of Bones episodes in Spanish, in an effort to revive my flagging command of the language. It’s not always optimal, because they do the dubbing and the subtitles separately, and the text on the bottom of my screen seldom coincides with what the characters are saying. A good bonus of this, though, is that when I don’t understand what they’re saying, chances are I’ll know the vocabulary in the subtitles and vice versa. Am learning a lot of useless vocabulary with this, such as a bunch of synonyms for “skulls”, or how to say “hanged” in Spanish.
(alas, the fun will have to stop soon, because for some weird reason they only released season 3 as a French/English/Spanish set of DVDs, all the others are in French/English. Of course it had to be the shortest season they picked. I’m contemplating Veronica Mars next, if I can borrow them from my sis).

Tomorrow, back to the grind.

Your daily Three Kingdoms progress: Kongming attempts to conquer the Man people for the Second Emperor, Liu Bei’s successor. Interesting visions of the south of China/North of Vietnam, with a bunch of amusingly racist stereotypes (I’m cutting the book a lot of slack here, in case you have a doubt). By the looks of it, I’m nearing the end.
BF has started Ian M Banks’ Against a Dark Background, and spends a lot of time chuckling to himself. I imagine I’ll have to try it at some point, after I finish all the books I had at Eastercon.

Quick update


So, up to vol 3 of the Three Kingdoms. Liu Bei is close to declaring himself Emperor, at the rate things are going. It’s interesting to see that the Daoists (Kongming et al.) are the ones being utterly ruthless and practical, almost without honour by the standards of the novel, and that Liu Bei himself seems completely detached from the realities of the world (ie, trying to establish his own kingdom without resorting to trickery…).

In other news, did some light editing on “Shipbirth”, a short I’d written a while about about Aztecs in space (well, sort of). Working on another short involving steampunk and fallen gods, and my brain’s currently trying to decide between three different short stories. Also edited a Sekrit Project, and another story–and have another set of edits I need to have a look at, probably later on.

But right now, I’m off to see Robin Hood, and then onto a nice helping of phở.

All is well. (and I have Pentecost Monday off, yipee).

Mind Meld on SF books, and misc.


I was asked to take part in a Mind Meld over at SF Signal: name Science Fiction Books That Should Be in Every Fan’s Library. Go check out my answer, as well as that of the other worthy folks who’ve participated.
(I’d have put more recent books in the pile, if I’d actually read them. In SF, I’m still catching up on years of not really reading…)
Currently in the middle of Romance of the Three Kingdoms (right after the battle of Red Cliffs, which is interestingly not at all like the movie version…). You know that Chinese proverb that says the young shouldn’t read Water Margin because it teaches disobedience, and the old shouldn’t read Three Kingdoms because it teaches guile? Well, after almost 60 chapters, I get it… Three Kingdoms is just this long list of people shifting sides, trying to find the best way to betray each other, kill each other, deprive each other of influence. Very, very pragmatic view of war and power struggles–a giant free-for-all…

Also, this blog is currently under massive attack by spammers for a reason I can’t pinpoint (I choose popularity, but I’m not convinced…)

More later. Right now, I need some sleep.

Review: Bebook mini (plus bonus rant)


So, I said I was going to get around to reviewing this, which I’ve had for a couple of months now.

Meet my Bebook Mini:

My bebook

Just in case you’re wondering about scale, here’s the pomegranate that’s propping it up compared with other, more familiar objects (the pomegranate in question is one from Chili, weighs close to one kilo and has got to be the biggest one I ever saw. It was very tasty, too). The smudges is me reading in quick succession a bad quality newspaper and an ebook–the ink stays on my fingers, and transfers…

The pomegranate as a ref point

I bought this after much hesitation and browsing over at My initial specifications for an e-reader went something like this:

  • Must have e-ink (way better for my eyesight, battery holds out longer), and no glare
  • Must support variety of formats (so I didn’t have to worry too much about conversion, and above all didn’t end up stuck with a proprietary format at a time the industry’s still trying to agree on a standard)
  • Must have memory card (handy for swapping books, even though it would take a lot of books to fill even 512MB)
  • Must be cheap (I wasn’t willing to pay above 250 euros for it).
  • Must be relatively straightforward to order (because I wasn’t willing to jump through hoops for this)

I didn’t care so much about wifi (I was going to load books before, say, leaving on a trip), or about touchscreen or other niceties like that. Its primary function would be to read books, not to be another laptop.

This set of criteria turned out to be more restrictive than I thought… In particular, it ruled out both Sony readers (the PRS-300 doesn’t take a memory card, and the PRS-600 has a %%% reflective layer over the screen so that it can be touchscreen). The Kindle I didn’t like so much, mostly because I don’t care for being tied to amazon, for all their usefulness; and the Nook wasn’t/isn’t available in Europe (haven’t been following up on that). I could have got a PRS-505, which is the same brand my father bought, but I had handled it and hadn’t been so much a fan of it; plus, by the time I decided I was going to get an ebook-reader, Sony had phased out the PRS-505 and it was near-unfindable in France. That essentially left me with the Bebook and Bebook Mini, both devices sold by the Dutch firm Endless Ideas. The Bebook is the rebranded version of a Chinese handset, the Hanlin V3, and the Bebook mini is the rebranded version of its successor the V5. The difference between both was screen size: the V3 is 6”, the V5 is 5”. As I’m a fast reader, I was worried I would end up turning way too many pages for the 5” to be viable. But the V3 is older hardware, with fewer graylevels and a slightly older processor, and I didn’t much like the idea of buying old stuff. In the end, I plumped for the Bebook Mini, aka V5.
I’ll gloss over the “straightforward delivery” (it would have been fast, if some unforeseen problems hadn’t held up the package for a few days), and skip to the device itself.

First things first, I’m not regretting the size at all. There’s practically no strain from turning pages, and the big advantage of a 5” over a 6” is that I can fit it into my handbag. That way, I always have something to read.

Second, the battery life on that thing is amazing. I’m using it for more than two hours a day, and I’ve charged it maybe a handful of times since acquiring it. The charge is good for weeks at a time.

What else? Well, it supports a lot of formats, but it’s really unequal: the display options vary greatly between formats. For instance, .DOC support is really lousy, with very few fonts and very few font sizes; RTF is the best I’ve found so far (I’m told f2b is even nicer), with a choice of two fonts, several sizes and some other nice stuff. PDF is OK but not great, since PDF is so heavily geared towards one page size and the screen is much smaller than that (the first ebook I read on the device was Spin in PDF format, and it was a bit of a pain, with huge blanks in the middle of pages). EPUB is the one I’m most used to, since a lot of ebooks are in EPUB format: you can’t change the font, but you have five levels of zoom (though all but the lowest two are actually useless unless you have serious eyesight problems).

On the reader, you can set your books into a folder architecture. You’ll laugh, but some of the other ereaders don’t actually support folders. At any rate, it’s handy to keep stuff organised. There’s an edition of Adobe Digital Editions, too, which I haven’t tested yet (bought the paying books from Baen’s. More on this in a minute). Reading’s pretty nice, with the contrast a little lower than paper–in particular, it means I need decent light to actually make out the words on the page (good thing we’re in summer and I no longer take my bus in the dark). The transition’s a little funky at first (the whole screen goes back, and then flashes into the next page), but you get used to it pretty quickly.

There’s one unexpected bonus: the three different ways to turn the pages. You can hit the rocker on the right-hand side of the reader, hit the two arrow keys at the bottom, or the two on the left-hand side–and all of those will allow you to navigate through the ebook. This hadn’t struck me as practical–at least, not until I got to stand in a packed suburban train, holding onto my handbag with one hand, and turning the pages with the other. The rocker might be the easiest way to turn the pages when I’m sitting, but let me tell you the left-hand buttons are life-savers in a crowd (way easier to hit one-handed).

I really like it, bar one or two things. The first one is that I wouldn’t want to use it for books to keep, as I’m extremely unsure I’d still be able to open those in, say, 20 years (and yes, I’m the kind of person who would like to keep books for 20 years). The second, somewhat related problem with ebooks, is that searching is kind of awkward. You can’t really flip the pages, and if you happen to be looking for a specific passage without wanting to read the whole book in sequence, you’re sort of stuck. Even going to a specific page number is a pain in the neck. (I suppose a search function with a proper keyboard could fix some of that, but I still miss being able to flip through the physical pages. Funny).

And the third, and last problem…

Well, it doesn’t really have to do with the ebook reader, per se. It has to do with ebooks. See, I’d be quite ready to buy them and pay for them–but I’m not allowed to. Many sites on the internet (fictionwise, I’m looking at you) will only sell to visitors from a certain country. The reasoning, I presume, goes something like this: I live in France, so I’m only allowed to buy from French sellers. Who, you wouldn’t know, sell books in French, because that’s what they have the right to sell. Which is great, but I happen to be a little weird linguistically speaking, and I want to read in English (or Spanish. Or whatever). And I know or suspect those US/Canadian sites don’t have the right to sell books in France, but it’s really dumb. The French shops sell the translated French version, and I don’t want that, I want the original, and I just can’t buy it. It’s a little like showing up in a shop with cash, and being told they don’t want to see my kind of people here. Now, all of this made sense at the time we had physical stuff, but in the days of the internet… For ebooks, selling rights by country feels outdated, real fast (not to mention really annoying. I’ve never been so sorely tempted to pirate stuff). Rights by language would be smarter, but I’m sure it’s a lot easier to say than to iron out legally speaking.
Whatever the case, I sure hope this can be sorted out in a smart way (ie, not the way they sorted out the DVDs, which leaves me unable to get English subtitles for Japanese anime unless I buy the UK version. Because everybody in France only wants French subtitles, right? *grr*).

Rant aside (and this isn’t a problem with the device, more with the lay of the land at the moment), this is a terrific little machine. Does what it says on the can, and I’m not regretting the purchase. I just don’t think I’m going to use it for books I’m going to be rereading heavily in the next few years. I’ll get the paper version for those.

Afterword: so where am I getting my books? At the moment, I’m buying from Baen’s webscriptions, one of the few places that sells DRM-free and worldwide. I’m also told that Waterstone’s sells DRM-ed books to any country, but I haven’t tried yet. I’m also downloading a lot of stuff from gutenberg, for free, and from magazines like, which has EPUB versions of all their short stories. And I read a lot of the freebies I got from various sources (Hugo voter’s package, Nebula Awards shortlist through SFWA, …).

Angry Robot joins Osprey


So, the big news here: Angry Robot has left HarperCollins and is setting up shop with the backing of Osprey Publishing. An interesting move, more towards a publishing niche (as Osprey is known for military history books and wargaming stuff). Will obviously have to see how that works out, but I have every confidence those AR overlords know what they’re doing and that they’ll successfully take over the SF world–away a big group that might not have the flexibility and enthusiasm needed for a venture like this. Wishing Marc and Lee and Chris a hefty helping of good luck with the change.

Other assorted consequences: the US release date for Servant of the Underworld has now been pushed back to November 2010 (Harbinger of the Storm is still up for a January 2011 release in the UK, and February 2011 in the US). Also, SoU is going to quietly go out of print before (hopefully) being relaunched at the same time as the Harbinger of the Storm debut (to be confirmed, as AR is still reviewing their options at the moment). So hurry up if you want a HarperCollins edition of SoU 🙂

Next post up should be (finally) a review of my Bebook Mini, the ereader I bought a couple of months ago.