Category: Events

Eurocon 2016

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Eurocon 2016

I will be Guest of Honour at the Eurocon in Barcelona, Nov 4-6 2016 (alongside Richard Morgan, Jun Miyazaki, and Enrique Corominas).

Here is my schedule:


18:00 Welcome party in the convention hotel


10.15 Sala Teatre, streaming to Raval (1h): Opening Ceremony/Inauguración/Inauguració (ENG-CAT-SP)

The 38th Eurocon, for the first time ever in Spain, welcomes members and waves the European SF Society flag.

Guests of Honour, Eurocon organisers, local authorities

14.30 (45 mins) Aula 1: How to Build a Fantasy World (ENG)

Panel. The tool box of fantasy scribes.

Andrzej Sapkowski (Pol), Aliette de Bodard (Fran), Haralambi Markov (Bulg, MOD), Sharon Reamer (USA), Charles Stross (UK), Concepción Perea (SPN)

16:45 (45min) Auditori: Launch of Barcelona Tales

17.30 (45 mins) Raval: The Place of Euro SF in the World (ENG)

Panel. What impact does European SF have internationally?

Regina Kanyu Wang (Chi), Catalin Badea Gheracostea (Rom)?, Martin Stricker (Ger) MOD, Aliette de Bodard (Fran)


11.15 (45 mins) Auditori: Verne Versus Wells (ENG)

Panel. H.G. Wells said that the science in his novels was just conjuring tricks, while Jules Verne only wrote one actual SF novel, which his publisher suppressed; so who is the father of SF?

Adam Roberts (UK), author of Twenty Trillion Leagues under the Sea, Pasqual Bernat, President of the Catalan Verne Society, Pierre Gévart (Fran), Aliette de Bodard (Fran)

17.00 Chronos event with Aliette de Bodard and Leticia Lara (Spanish), Carer de Roger de Flor, 237, 08025 Barcelona

18.30: Gigamesh book signing (Spanish/English), Carrer de Bailèn, 8, 08010 Barcelona


11.30 (60 mins) Sala Teatre Interview with Aliette de Bodard (ENG)

Our French Guest of Honour who writes in English in conversation with editor Ian Whates

Aliette de Bodard, Ian Whates

17.15 (60 mins) Sala Teatre streaming to Sala Raval Closing Ceremony/Clausura/ (ENG/SP/CAT) including presentation of the Eurocon Awards.


Dysprosium 2015

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Dysprosium 2015

Eastercon 2015, which I will be proud to attend Friday and Saturday. Here’s my provisional programme:

Friday 11:15: Porcupine Quill (I understand there’ll be a dedicated area for this). Come and meet me in small committee (10-12 people), and chat about influences and favourite writers. I’m planning to use Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather and Patricia McKillip’s Book of Atrix Wolfe.

Friday 15:00: How to Find an Agent (Aliette de Bodard, Pete Newman, Gillian Redfearn, Gareth L Powell).

Saturday 10:00: Kaffeeklatsch (in my case, teeklatsch :p). Come and chat with me! You can sign up for this at the registration desk, and I’m quite happy to field any questions, from information about my forthcoming stuff (*erm* House of Shattered Wings *erm*) to recipe ideas, to how to brew tea :p

Saturday 11:00: How to Write the Other (Ian Whates, Gareth L Powell, Kim Lakin-Smith). Off-piste programme. I’m not too firm yet on where this is happening but I’m assuming it’ll be pretty easy to find. Come and see us!

Saturday 12:30: Reading with Mark Stay. I’ll be reading from The House of Shattered Wings, so if you want a sneak peek at the book this is it!

Saturday 16:15: Signing (after the Jim Butcher interview).

Saturday 21:15: We’re Not Going To Study War No More, a panel on alternate histories and war with Martin McGrath and Christopher Nuttall.

I will otherwise be in the bar, as befits any con :p

Also a note for people who want a signed copy of On a Red Station Drifting: I will have a bunch (ten or so) copies. I can’t promise to always have them on hand, but I will certainly have them at my Kaffeeklatsch, reading and signing, so if you want one, that’s the right moment to grab me! (a bunch of them should be on the TTA Press table, with many thanks to Roy Gray).

MIRcon 2014

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December 6th-December 8th

Will be attending MIRcon Uranik in Montcada i Reixac (near Barcelona), Spain.

Among many other activities, I will deliver a speech–the jury is still out on whether said speech will be in Spanish… (I speak Spanish fluently, I’m just not sure I can do that in front of a large audience). I don’t do this speech thing very often, so this is your chance!

Schedule and details forthcoming.

Nine Worlds

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Nine Worlds

I will be dropping by Nine Worlds briefly on Sunday 10th August 2014–bummed I can’t stay longer, but the snakelet takes precedence :p

My schedule is as follows:
Writing Historical Fiction and Fanfic
How do we write about historical characters? Is historical fiction a form of Real Person Fiction if it features people who appear in the historical record? A panel of authors and fans discuss techniques of writing historical fiction and how writing about the dead differs from writing about the living.

Food in Science Fiction
How do aliens eat? What do they eat? Do they eat at all? Will they want to eat us? Food is essential to human survival and to the survival of most everything we normally think of as living, so in any journey to an alien world it can never be forgotten. Our panel discuss the different ways in which we might grow or construct food in the future, as well as the role food plays in science fiction of all kinds
Panel: Sarah McIntyre, Gareth L. Powell and Aliette de Bodard

Come and say hi if you’re attending!

Loncon 3

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Loncon 3

Aka the UK worldcon (we went to Interaction back in 2005, back when the H and I started dating–thus starting the tradition of my dragging him to Worldcon!). Have been much looking forward to this one: the H, the snakelet I will be in town, quite probably August 8th-August 18th or thereabouts.

We will also be attending the Hugo Awards Ceremony, since my novelette “The Waiting Stars” is a finalist for the Hugo. And I have made a solemn promise that should I win (unlikely, but you never know!) I will drag the snakelet on stage in his cute little baby tuxedo.

My final programme is here.