Pronunciation of names in In the Vanishers’ Palace

Every name in In the Vanishers’ Palace is pronounced in the Southern pronuciation of Vietnamese: here’s a rough guide to pronunciation of individual letters, vowels and diphtongs : (the “south” variant is the correct one: I always pronounce “s” “sh” and “v” “v-i”).
And here’s the guide to tonal accents: (note, as the page says, that there is no “ngã” tone in Southern Vietnamese, it’s pronounced like the hỏi one).
Here are the Vietnamese transcriptions of the names with some pointers:
Vũ Côn: “V-i-oo C-o-n”, with the second “o” being closed like in “boat”
Elder Minh Thỏ: “minh” is pronounced “m-u-nh” with u as in
Phước (mom)
Elder Giang: as in this (the first pronunciation, by the female voice)
kỳ lân
Vinh: the i is pronounced like “uh” so more “V-unh” The nh as a terminal sound is just pronounced “n”
Thiên An
Hải Yến: Hải as in this
Đán Thông: Thông.Đán is prounced “D-a-n” with an open a.
Đán Liên: Liên like this
Diễm Châu
Hạnh Vàng
Du Khách: the “ch” in Khách is pronounced “t”, so “rh -a -t”
Long Châu
dương (the third pronunciation, the southernmost one)
Kim Ngọc
Kiều: the “ê” is not pronounced so it’s “k-i-oo” with a descending accent
Gia Cầnh