Event: Nine Worlds 2018
Location: London, UK

Will be attending Nine Worlds, August 10-12 in London!
My schedule:
Friday 11:45am-12:45am: The Nine World Fountain Pen Meetup, Beaujolais
Come hang out with your fellow geeks around fountain pens and inks. Chat inks, colours and different fountain pen & stationery makers. Come try out pens and paper around nibbles.
Wondering what the fuss is about? Have you never used a fountain pen, or was the last time you did so at school or university? We swear there’s a lot more to pens than school blue! Come see us, we will have pens for beginners and inks of all colours to try.
Sunday 10:00am-11:00am: Fiction about Fiction, Alsace
Tanya Brown, Claire Rousseau, Aliette de Bodard, Jeannette Ng, Roz Kaveney
Many writers take inspiration for stories from other authors: from King Arthur to Pride and Prejudice, Shakespeare, Lovecraft … our panel discusses whys and hows.
This panel is about stories that answer, retell, recast or continue previously-published stories by another author. We’ll discuss what provokes a writer to reimagine someone else’s world and characters; whether particular stories, or types of stories, are more fertile ground for transformations; how the ‘original’ and the transformative work relate to one another; and some of the problems a writer might encounter in the process of responding to an established classic.
Sunday 13:30-14:30, Bouzy
Emma Potthast, Aliette de Bodard, Jo Lindsey Walton, Russell A Smith, Jeannette Ng
A lot of SF depicts a fairly narrow range of migrations: settler colonialism eluding the existence of indigenous people, short,-term migration of relatively privileged people (such as envoys who eventually move back to their countries/planets of origin), or (more rarely) forced migration (indenture, slavery, convicts). It almost never seems to cover the majority immigration situation of an ordinary person permanently migrating to a dominant culture, and what that would mean in terms of everyday life (challenges, etc.) for migrants and their immediate descendants.
What is the origin of this? How can we challenge it? What would migration become in societies that move between the stars? And are there books and media that already tackle migration in a fairer light?
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