Event: BSFA London Meeting

Event time: March 23rd, 6pm-8:30pm

Location: The Artillery Arms, 102 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8ND

BSFA London Meeting

Glad to announce that on March 23rd I’ll be interviewed by the fabulous Ed Cox at The Artillery Arms (102 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8ND), as part of the BSFA London meetings. (and ahead of my stint as GoH at Mancunicon)


Start Time: 19:00, room open from 6pm, fans gathering in the bar downstairs from 5pm onwards (I’ll likely be in the bar around 5pm because I’m arriving pretty early in London).

This is a free event, and you don’t have to be a member of the BSFA to take part (non-members are welcome, in fact!). The interview will start at 7 pm.

There will be a raffle (£1 for five tickets), with a selection of sf novels as prizes. I’m also quite happy to sign anything that has my name in it (ok, not blank checks or IOUs, but you get the idea!)


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