BSFA longlist for “House of Shattered Wings” and “Three Cups of Grief”


First off: happy new year everyone! Hope those who celebrated had a great holiday season. I’m wrapping up mine (and arg so late on ALL THE THINGS).

Am pleased to announce that my novel The House of Shattered Wings and my short story “Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight” have both been longlisted for the BSFA Award. Many thanks to those who nominated them, and here’s a link to the ballot if you feel like voting some more 🙂

Also, congratulations to a lot of friends I see on the longlist. 2015 was a great year for fiction and the company is an honour.

(work continues apace on The House of Binding Thorns aka “that %%% sequel”. Thanks to a very sympathetic husband and a bad habit of getting up one hour ahead of everyone in the house, I hammered down a lot of words on it. Here’s hoping some of them stay in °_°)


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