Sale: “The Citadel of Weeping Pearls” to Asimov’s

Quite pleased to announce I’ve sold my novella “The Citadel of Weeping Pearls” to Asimov’s for their Oct/Nov 2015 issue, aka “Xuya meets time-travel”. More info (including rough cover copy) here.
It’s about the same length as On a Red Station, Drifting, so more of a short novel, really (34k words); with four POV characters and a fairly complex plot that includes an entire imperial court, thirty-two dead emperors emulated on complex hardware, and a science laboratory in a derelict tea-house; and a lot of familial relations and moral quandaries. Basically, if you liked On a Red Station, Drifting, you’ll probably love this one (and it has a cameo from Linh, too!). And if you didn’t like it–it’s a way more ambitious piece with a bigger scope, so maybe more to your taste *g*
This blog will now lapse back into darkness while I sort out my childcare and my copy edits simultaneously (hint: neither of them are particularly efficient…)
Genevieve Williams
Congratulations! I can’t wait to read it.
Thanks, Genevieve!
Finally got to “On red station …” in my “To Read” list, and was desperately looking if you’d written anything else in that setting: happy to see you have.
The pitch got me at “… 32 dead emperors emulated on complex hardware”
Congrats on the sale.
@Paul: aw thank you! I know a lot of people enjoyed “On a Red Station”, and I’m really pleased to offer a (sort of) sequel to it.
The 32 emperors were a lot of fun to write 🙂
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