Where Ghosts Words Dwell Launch!


Aka the sekrit project! Quite happy to announce we’re lanching “Where Ghost Words Dwell”, a website dedicated to words that didn’t make it into our final manuscripts. “We” is a group of authors that will slowly be revealed: the website is the brainchild of Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, and in the coming weeks we’ll be featuring posts by Victor Fernando R Ocampo, Karin Tidbeck, Joyce Chng, Tade Thompson, Haralambi Markov, Cindy Pon, Vida Cruz, and more writers! Posts are anonymous: you will have to follow the links embedded into them to see who wrote them and where the final version of the words appeared.

The first post is up. Er. No prizes for guessing who wrote it. No prizes for guessing where it was excerpted from, either! (but it’s the first long bit of House of Shattered Wings on the internet–come read it and wonder what words did make it into the final version ^^)

We would love to hear what you think, either at the blog itself, or here–and would also be quite grateful for signal boosting!


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