House of Shattered Wings and one sequel sell to Gollancz

Once upon a time, in a far, far away galaxy, I began working on this odd little project. It had started as a urban fantasy set in 21st century Paris, where families of magicians held the reins of power in every domain from banking to building. Then I couldn’t make it work, because the worldbuilding wasn’t clicking with me. I wrote perhaps three chapters of it before it became painfully clear that my heart wasn’t in it.
So I nuked Paris.
Well, sort of. I made up a Great Magicians’ War, comparable in scale to WWI: a war that devastated Paris, making Notre-Dame an empty shell, the Seine black with ashes and dust; and the gardens and beautiful parks into fields of rubble. I set the action back several decades, to have a technology level equivalent to the Belle Époque with magic; and I added Fallen angels, whose breath and bones and flesh are the living source of magic; and whose power forms the backbone for a network of quasi-feudal Houses who rule over the wreck of Paris. And, hum, because it’s me, I added an extant colonial empire, a press-ganged, angry Vietnamese boy who’s more than he seems; Lucifer Morningstar (because you can’t have a story about Fallen angels without Morningstar); and entirely too many dead bodies.
In short, I mashed so many things together that it started looking a bit like the Frankenstein monster right before the lightning hit; but my fabulous agency (John Berlyne and his partner John Wordsworth) didn’t blink (at least, not too much!), and duly sent out my little novel, called The House of Shattered Wings. And lo and behold, the awesome Gillian Redfearn of Gollancz picked it up, along with a sequel. To say that I’m thrilled is an understatement: Gollancz is a superb publisher, and their list includes many friends of mine—I can’t wait to see where this goes.
Official synopsis:
In HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS, Paris’s streets are lined with haunted ruins, Notre-Dame is a burnt-out shell and the Seine runs black with ashes and rubble. De Bodard’s rich storytelling brings three different voices together: a naive but powerful Fallen angel, an alchemist with a self-destructive addiction, and a young man wielding spells from the Far East.
Here is more official info at the Bookseller, here at Zeno Towers; and here at Gollancz.
Release is slated for August 2015. You can pre-order here at amazon or Waterstones if you want a shiny hardcover (I’ll work out other vendors later, promise. I don’t need to tell you how crucial pre-orders are to a book’s success–so get in early, get in strong, and make this a big big success). If you don’t feel like pre-ordering right now, no worries. There’ll be plenty of opportunities :p
ETA: and here‘s a fresh new page devoted to the book, with more detailed copy.
More on the book when I have normal (ha! Who am I kidding) non-zero energy levels.
(picture credits: Kirkstall Abbey by Rick Harrison. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License).
Nina Allan
HUGE congratulations, Aliette – I’m over the moon for you xx massively deserved.
Ruth Nestvold
Congratulations, Aliette! The book sounds absolutely fantastic. 🙂
This sounds AMAZING! I can’t wait!
Aw thank you, Nina, Sylvia and Ruth! Can’t wait either 🙂
Simon Ellberger
Congratulations! Now what is the hope for a US publication of the two books, especially for the Kindle?
Simon, so far it’s only Commonwealth (which is basically everywhere but the US, I’m afraid), though it does include an ebook edition.
If there is any other news, of course I will update. Thank you for your interest–I know it’s really frustrating to have books that look really enticing but that you can’t access because of regional rights 🙁
Cara Murphy
Congratulations Aliette! Love the synopsis… can’t wait to read the first book 🙂
Simon Ellberger
Sorry to hear it’s only going to be published in the “Comonwealth” as I am (to use the trite phrase) a big fan of your writings, and this one sounds like a great premise for a book/series. But thank you Aliette for your response anyway. If it ever gets a US publisher, consider it bought by me as soon as it is available!
@cara: aw thank you!
@Simon: very flattered, thank you! I’ll definitely let you know if it gets a US publisher.
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