Event: Dysprosium 2015
Location: London Heathrow (Park Inn Hotel)

Eastercon 2015, which I will be proud to attend Friday and Saturday. Here’s my provisional programme:
Friday 11:15: Porcupine Quill (I understand there’ll be a dedicated area for this). Come and meet me in small committee (10-12 people), and chat about influences and favourite writers. I’m planning to use Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather and Patricia McKillip’s Book of Atrix Wolfe.
Friday 15:00: How to Find an Agent (Aliette de Bodard, Pete Newman, Gillian Redfearn, Gareth L Powell).
Saturday 10:00: Kaffeeklatsch (in my case, teeklatsch :p). Come and chat with me! You can sign up for this at the registration desk, and I’m quite happy to field any questions, from information about my forthcoming stuff (*erm* House of Shattered Wings *erm*) to recipe ideas, to how to brew tea :p
Saturday 11:00: How to Write the Other (Ian Whates, Gareth L Powell, Kim Lakin-Smith). Off-piste programme. I’m not too firm yet on where this is happening but I’m assuming it’ll be pretty easy to find. Come and see us!
Saturday 12:30: Reading with Mark Stay. I’ll be reading from The House of Shattered Wings, so if you want a sneak peek at the book this is it!
Saturday 16:15: Signing (after the Jim Butcher interview).
Saturday 21:15: We’re Not Going To Study War No More, a panel on alternate histories and war with Martin McGrath and Christopher Nuttall.
I will otherwise be in the bar, as befits any con :p
Also a note for people who want a signed copy of On a Red Station Drifting: I will have a bunch (ten or so) copies. I can’t promise to always have them on hand, but I will certainly have them at my Kaffeeklatsch, reading and signing, so if you want one, that’s the right moment to grab me! (a bunch of them should be on the TTA Press table, with many thanks to Roy Gray).
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