Weekend et al.


Just a quick update that work has eaten my brain.

I shall be looking at my pretty birthday present from my parents: a shiny new MacBook Air 13.3″. Just set it up now. Wow. The keyboard is very comfy, and it makes a nice change from my old 10″ eeePC (which is a nice machine for writing on and a crap one for making revisions on).

This weekend I have a blog post to write, a story to revise, and various other things to consider that I had no brain-space for during the week, in addition to accompanying the H on a supply hunt to Chinatown (aka, where are my 5kg of rice?). Should be fun 🙂


  1. I have one of those — I adore it. And it’s so quiet you don’t disturb the people sitting next to you (especially after I turned on tap to click on the touchpad). You have great parents. Best of luck on your weekend list.

  2. Aw thank you! (and I agree. It’s frightfully quiet)

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