Beneath Ceaseless Skies’ Second Anniversary
The awesome Scott H. Andrews has reminded me that tomorrow marks the second anniversary of Beneath Ceaseless Skies‘ launch.
I always have a soft spot for BCS: not only did they publish a fair amount of my fiction, they also fill in the hole between plot-driven fantasy and more serious stuff. The prose is pretty, but it doesn’t get in the way of the story. And I’ve yet to find a bad story in there. Scott publishes a great variety of stuff, from Old West to Eighteenth-Century Paris, from China to Medieval London–and there’s bound to be something you enjoy in there.
If you’re just dipping in, may I suggest checking out “The Isthmus Variation” by Kris Millering (creepy as heck, perfectly paced in its reveals), or Yoon Ha Lee’s “The Territorialist” (awesome world building and beautiful prose), among the more recent offerings?
And, of course, there’s the anniversary double issue, which boasts Richard Parks and Tony Pi in its table of contents.
I found Beneath Ceaseless Skies only a few months ago, in one of my searches for a home for a particular short story I’ve written. It was rejected, but I now regularly visit the e-zine for something to read. The stories they publish “feel” how I want mine to feel, though I’m evidently not there yet. 🙂
I’ve never yet been disappointed by one of their published short stories.
Benjamin DeHaan
Beneath Ceaseless Skies seems like an awesome short fiction magazine. Im trying to get my short stories accepted into a sci-fi magazine. Can you recommend the best sci-fi short fiction magazines for me? I would greatly appreciate it.
Carradde: definitely a great market, I agree.
Benjamine: I’d recommend Asimov’s, Analog, F&SF, and the online markets such as Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, Lightspeed, Apex Magazine, IGMS… You can check out for a more complete list (the classic tactic is to start at the top, ie the largest payrates) and then work your way down.
Benjamin DeHaan
Thank you so much Aliette. Great advice! Back to writing!
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