Daily amusement


Went over to the supermarket to buy some celery. When I got to the tills, the cashier looked at the vegetable with a dubious air. He then turned to his colleague brandishing it and asked, “How much is that?” His colleague shrugged and said he had no idea what the thing was.

“It’s celery,” I pointed out.

He still looked very much bemused. After he found the barcode for it and I was in the process of paying for the shopping, he wanted to know if there was any use for it and what you actually did with this weird-looking veggie.

Clearly, celery isn’t as recognisable as carrots :=)


  1. “he wanted to know if there was any use for it and what you actually did with this weird-looking veggie.”

    :giggles uncontrollably:

    When I was a kid, I ate celery sticks with cream cheese or peanut butter.

  2. :=) To be fair, the only use I know for the stalks was for broth and sauces. I had doubts about the root itself, but it turns out it’s edible.
    Further amusement: the H, when I mentioned this to him, said he had no idea you could eat the stalks, but that he did know plenty of uses for the root. Which goes to show:
    a. not that obvious to know what the vegetable is for
    b. we can trade, I use the stalks, and I give him the root :=)

  3. LOL I didn’t ever even think about the root, ’cause everywhere we buy it, they only sell the stalks. Celery sticks and chopped celery for pilafs, quiches, and turkey dressing were our primary uses for it. Sometimes, I’ll chop some up for a pot of steamed vegetables.

    It’s amazing how much I never think about celery being unknown, but I can see now it’s on the obscure side. (Could be the flavor. :shudders: I ONLY like it IN stuff or with LOTS of cream cheese.)

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